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11.3.34 ReadLinkObjectEndAction


   ReadLinkObjectEndAction is an action that retrieves an end object from a link object.



    Action (from BasicActions ) on page 247


   This action reads the object on an end of a link object. The association end to retrieve the object from is specified statically, and the link object to read is provided on the input pin at run time.


   No additional attributes


Issue 8178 -add subsets constraints to ‘object’ and ‘result’ and fix formatting


   [1] The property must be an association end.


   [2] The association of the association end must be an association class.


   [3] The ends of the association must not be static.

   self.end.association.memberEnd->forall(e | not e.isStatic)

   [4] The type of the object input pin is the association class that owns the association end.

   self.object.type = self.end.association

   [5] The multiplicity of the object input pin is 1..1.,1)

   [6] The type of the result output pin is the same as the type of the association end.

   self.result.type = self.end.type

   [7] The multiplicity of the result output pin is 1..1.,1)


Issue 8178 -add further explanations

   ReadLinkObjectEndAction retrieves an end object from a link object. The value of the specified end of the input link object is placed on the output pin of the action. Note that this is not the same as reading links of the link object’s association with the specified end as the open end. Identifying a link object explicitly identifies a single specific link, independently of the values of link ends other than the one specified to be read. Even if the multiplicity of the specified end is different from 1..1 in the association, it only has a single value from the point of view of a specified link object. This is why the output pin of a ReadLinkeObjectEndAction always has a multiplicity of 1..1.


   No specific notation

   ReadLinkObjectEndAction is introduced to navigate from a link object to its end objects.

*Changes from previous UML

   ReadLinkObjectEndAction is unchanged from UML 1.5.