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11.3.53 WriteLinkAction


   WriteLinkAction is an abstract class for link actions that create and destroy links.



    LinkAction (from IntermediateActions ) on page 268


   A write link action takes a complete identification of a link and creates or destroys it.


   No additional attributes


   No additional associations


   [1] All end data must have exactly one input object pin.

   self.endData.forall(value->size() = 1)

   Issue 4448 - Visibility constrains the actionsof methods of the class. Creation and destribution of links should be allowed by methods that have access to at least one end of the association.

   [2] The visibility of at least one end must allow access to the class using the action..


   See children of WriteLinkAction.


   No specific notation

   WriteLinkAction is introduced to navigate across links.

*Changes from previous UML

   WriteLinkAction is unchanged from UML 1.5.