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11.3.54 WriteStructuralFeatureAction


   WriteStructuralFeatureAction is an abstract class for structural feature actions that change structural feature values.



    StructuralFeatureAction (from IntermediateActions ) on page 297


   A write structural feature action operates on a structural feature of an object to modify its values. It has an input pin on which the value that will be added or removed is put. Other aspects of write structural feature actions are inherited from StructuralFeatureAction.


   No additional attributes


   • value : InputPin [1..1] ) Value to be added or removed from the structural feature. (Subsets Action::input)


   [1] The type input pin is the same as the classifier of the structural feature.

   self.value.type = self.structuralFeature.featuringClassifier

   [2] The multiplicity of the input pin is 1..1.,1)




   No specific notation

   WriteStructuralFeatureAction is introduced to abstract aspects of structural feature actions that change structural feature values.

*Changes from previous UML

   WriteStructuralFeatureAction is new in UML 2.0. It generalizes WriteAttributeAction in UML 1.5.