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18.3.7 ProfileApplication


   A profile application is used to show which profiles have been applied to a package.


Issue 9183 -replace ‘Constructs::PackageImport ’ by ‘Constructs::Core:DirectedRelationship




Issue 9183 -replace ‘PackageImport ’ with ‘DirectedRelationship

   ProfileApplication is a kind of DirectedRelationship that adds the capability to state that a Profile is applied to a Package.


Issue 8706 - add ‘isStrict’ attribute

   • isStrict : Boolean [1] = false Specifies whether or not the Profile filtering rules for the metaclasses of the referenced metamodel shall be strictly applied. See the semantics section of Profile (from Profiles ) on page 691 for further details.


Issue 8602 - replace ‘is’ with ‘are’


   No additional constraints


   One or more profiles may be applied at will to a package that is created from the same metamodel that is extended by the profile. Applying a profile means that it is allowed, but not necessarily required, to apply the stereotypes that are defined as part of the profile. It is possible to apply multiple profiles to a package as long as they do not have conflicting constraints. If a profile that is being applied depends on other profiles, then those profiles must be applied first.

   When a profile is applied, instances of the appropriate stereotypes should be created for those elements that are instances of metaclasses with required extensions. The model is not well formed without these instances.

   Once a profile has been applied to a package, it is allowed to remove the applied profile at will. Removing a profile implies that all elements that are instances of elements defined in a profile are deleted. A profile that has been applied cannot be removed unless other applied profiles that depend on it are first removed.

   Note – The removal of an applied profile leaves the instances of elements from the referenced metamodel intact. It is only the instances of the elements from the profile that are deleted. This means that for example a profiled UML model can always be interchanged with another tool that does not support the profile and be interpreted as a pure UML model.


   The names of Profiles are shown using a dashed arrow with an open arrowhead from the package to the applied profile. The keyword «apply» is shown near the arrow.

   If multiple applied profiles have stereotypes with the same name, it may be necessary to qualify the name of the stereotype (with the profile name).


   Given the profiles Java and EJB, Figure 18.12 shows how these have been applied to the package WebShopping.

   Figure 18.12 - Profiles applied to a package