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An ordered set
is a pair of a set P and a reflexive,
antisymmetric and transitive relation
on P.
We will usually omit the pair notation and call P an
ordered set also.
We will call
and write
is an ordered set with the induced order from P
and will be called an ordered subset of P.
All subsets of ordered sets will be viewed as ordered subsets.
A subset S of an ordered set P has an upper bound
x (denoted
iff for all
we have
y is the supremum
or lowest upper bound of S
and for all
we have
Lower bounds and infima resp.
greatest lower bounds (denoted
) are defined
An ordered set is a chain iff any two points in it are
A mapping
is called order-preserving
iff for all
we have that
An ordered set P is said to have the
fixed point property
iff each order-preserving self map
has a fixed point, i.e., there is a point
An order-preserving map without a fixed point is called
fixed point free.
The main object of this paper is the following
- somewhat vague -
open question
that is for example to be found on ORDER's problem list.
The recorded history of this problem seems to start in the
[68] by Knaster in the twenties and then in
[127] by Tarski and [24] by Davis
in the fifties, where the
question is answered for lattices
(a lattice is an ordered set in which any finite
subset has a supremum and an infimum, it
is complete
iff every subset has a supremum and an infimum):
A lattice has the fixed point
property iff it is complete
(also cf. [131],
Exercise 1J, Tarski's remarks in [127] and the remarks
in [96] footnote 2 on p. 284).
After that there were papers by Abian and Brown ([2])
and Pelczar ([84]), which recorded one of today's standard
tools: If P is a chain-complete ordered set
(i.e., every nonempty chain has a supremum and an infimum),
order-preserving and there is a
such that
, then f has a fixed point.
Problem 1.1 seems to have been first raised in the text
[23] by Crawley and Dilworth.
The next milestone then is Rival's characterization of the
fixed point property for
finite ordered sets of height 1 in [95].
Since then the fixed point problem has drawn more and more attention
in many papers
as the list of references shows.
The vague formulation of the problem has inspired many possible
approaches. Among them are the following
One can try as in the above mentioned theorems
to characterize the fixed point property for certain classes of ordered
sets. This is done for example
by Fofanova and Rutkowski
[43] (sets of width 2),
by Höft and Höft in
[61]-[63] (lexicographic
by Rival as mentioned in [95] (sets of height 1),
by Ewacha and Rival in
Rutkowski in
the author in
(``small" sets), Davis and Tarski in
[24] and [127] (lattices) and possibly
most importantly by Roddy in [104], where the
fixed point problem is solved for finite products
of finite ordered sets with a beautiful
One can prove fixed point theorems that do not necessarily
handle an established class of ordered sets, but that provide
new insights through possible reductions
(for example done by
Constantin and Fournier in [18],
by Rival in [95], and by the author in
[116], [117])
or through the identification of substructures that force the
fixed point property
(done for example by Baclawski and Björner in [7],
by Edelman in [37], and by Rutkowski in [108]).
One can try to prove results about forbidden retracts, which
can be done in special cases
(for example by Fofanova and Rutkowski in [43],
or by Rutkowski and the author in [113]), but which might be
too complicated in general (cf. section 4.8).
One can relate the problem to its analogue in topology.
(When does a topological space have the fixed point property?)
This is done for example by Baclawski and Björner in [7],
and by Constantin and Fournier in [18].
One can devise algorithms that check whether an
arbitrary finite ordered set has the fixed point property
(done for example by Pickering, Roddy and Stadel in [86] and
by Xia in [134]).
Approach 5
leads to the question how efficient such an
algorithm might be, on which we focus in section 2.
We will demonstrate that the efficiency problem
is very similar to other decision problems that are NP-complete.
Shortly before the deadline for this article the author received
the preprint
[29] by Duffus and Goddard
in which it is shown that the decision problem
2.3 is NP-complete
(cf. Definition 2.12).
[29] is still being refereed as this is written.
The author considers the arguments given in [29] valid and
can thus no longer consider problem 2.3 open
in its full generality. Efficient algorithmic approaches to the
problem are still interesting, as they now actually have a wider scope
than before. Also there are still interesting classes of
ordered sets for which the complexity of problem
2.3 is not known (e.g., truncated lattices, ordered sets of
height 2 or width 3).
We will discuss the algorithmic ramifications of
approach 2
of reducing the ordered set in section 3
and of approach
4 of relating the problem to topology
in section 4.
We devote section 5 to the interesting ``spin-offs"
that the investigation of the fixed point property has
Proofs that were omitted were either considered simple by the
author or a reference to the proof is given.
Sections 2, 3 and 4
are (aside from references to related results)
independent of each other and can be
read in any order.
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