The cancellation problem is a long standing open problem by
G. Birkhoff. If we denote the set of all order-preserving maps
from the ordered set Q to the ordered set P by
(which naturally is an ordered set under the pointwise order),
the problem is
the following:
Let P,Q,R be finite ordered sets.
Does the fact that
is isomorphic to
imply that P is isomorphic to R?
The finiteness assumption is needed, as the examples 4 and 5 in
[66] on page 21 show. For an overview on such
arithmetic topics in ordered sets and the cancellation problem
in particular, cf. Jónsson's survey [66].
Uniqueness of cores, which was discussed in
[31], [39] and [119]
yields a new insight, though it is not clear how far
Proposition 5.5 can be pushed (cf. open question 8).
By Lemma 5.4 we have that
can be dismantled via comparative retractions to
a subset that is isomorphic to P.
(This also answers question (2) on p.54 in [46].)
can be dismantled via comparative retractions to
a subset that is isomorphic to
By the uniqueness of the core, we infer
is isomorphic to
. Similarly
is isomorphic to
, and
the isomorphic sets
naturally must have
isomorphic cores. \