Publications of  Dr. Burak Kantarci



Books    (back)

B03. A. El Saddik, S. Hossain, B. Kantarci, " Connected Health in Smart Cities", Springer, , ISBN 978-3-030-27844-1, 2020, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-27844-1, [bibtex]

B02. B. Kantarci and S. Oktug, "Wireless Sensor and Actuator Networks for Smart Cities, MDPI JSAN, ISBN 978-3-03897-423-9, (paperback); ISBN 978-3-03897-424-6 (PDF), Dec. 2018. DOI: 10.3390/books978-3-03897-424-6, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-27844-1, [bibtex]

B01. H. T. Mouftah and B. Kantarci, "Communication Infrastructures for Cloud Computing", IGI Global, Hershey, Pennsylvania, USA, September 2013, ISBN13: 9781466645226, DOI:10.4018/978-1-4666-4522-6 , [bibtex]

Refereed Journal Articles    (back)

J122. G. Asemian, M. Amini, B. Kantarci, "Active RIS-NOMA Uplink in URLLC, Jamming Mitigation via Surrogate and Deep Learning," IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society, 2025 (accepted). DOI: 10.1109/OJCOMS.2025.3526759, [bibtex]





J121. M. Amini, G. Asemian, B. Kantarci, C. Ellement, M. Erol-Kantarci, "Deep Fusion Intelligence: Enhancing 5G Security Against Over-the-Air Attacks," IEEE Transactions on Machine Learning in Communications and Networking, 2025 (accepted). DOI: 10.1109/TMLCN.2025.3533427, [bibtex]





J120. P. F. Moshiri, M. Simsek, B. Kantarci, "Joint Optimization of Completion Ratio and Latency of Offloaded Tasks with Multiple Priority Levels in 5G Edge," IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, 2025 (accepted). DOI: 10.1109/TNSM.2024.3525004, [bibtex]





J119. B. Xiao, B. Kantarci, J. Kang, D. Niyato, M. Guizani, "Efficient Prompting for LLM-Based Generative Internet of Things," IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 12, issue 1, pp. 778--791, January 2025. DOI: 10.1109/JIOT.2024.3470210, [bibtex]



J118. O. Friha, M. Ferrag, B. Kantarci, B. Cakmak, A. Ozgun, N. Ghoualmi-Zine, "LLM-based Edge Intelligence: A Comprehensive Survey on Architectures, Applications, Security and Trustworthiness," IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society, vol. 5, pp. 5799-5856, 2024. DOI: 10.1109/OJCOMS.2024.3456549, [bibtex]



J117. H. Zhou, D. Inkpen, B. Kantarci "Evaluating and Mitigating Gender Bias in Generative Large Language Models," Intl. Journal of Computers Communications & Control, vol. 19, no. 6, pp. 5799-5856, 2024. DOI: 10.15837/ijccc.2024.6.6853, [bibtex]



J116. P. Lohan, B. Kantarci, M. Ferrag, N. Tihanyi, Y. Shi, "From 5G to 6G Networks, a Survey on AI-Based Jamming and Interference Detection and Mitigation," IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society, pp. 3920-3974, 2024. DOI: 10.1109/OJCOMS.2024.3416808, [bibtex]



J115. A. Omara, B. Kantarci, "An AI-driven solution to prevent adversarial attacks on mobile Vehicle-to-Microgrid services," Elsevier Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, vol. 137, p. 103016, Dec. 2024. DOI: 10.1016/j.simpat.2024.103016, [bibtex]



J114. G. Asemian, M. Kulhandjian, M. Amini, B. Kantarci, C. D'Amours, M. Erol-Kantarci, "The Impact of Mobility, Beam Sweeping and Smart Jammers on Security Vulnerabilities of 5G Cells," Wireless World: Research and Trends (River Publishers), vol. 1/2, pp. 71--78, Dec. 2024. DOI: 10.13052/2794-7254.009, [bibtex]



J113. M. Z. Chen, M. Simsek, B. Kantarci, M. Bagheri, P. Djukic, "Machine Learning-Enabled Hybrid Intrusion Detection System with Host Data Transformation and an Advanced Two-Stage Classifier," Elsevier Computer Networks, vol. 250, p. 110576, August 2024. DOI: 10.1016/j.comnet.2024.110576, [bibtex]



J112. M. A. Onsu, P. Lohan, B. Kantarci, E. Janulewicz, S. Slobodrian, Unlocking Reconfigurability for Deep Reinforcement Learning in SFC Provisioning, IEEE Networking Letters, 2024 (accepted)DOI: 10.1109/LNET.2024.3400764, [bibtex]



J111. M. N .Avcil, M. Soyturk, B. Kantarci "Fair and Efficient Resource Allocation via Vehicle-Edge Cooperation in 5G-V2X Networks",  Elsevier Vehicular Communications, 2024 (accepted)DOI: 10.1016/j.vehcom.2024.100773, [bibtex]



J110. O. M. Gul, A. M. Erkmen, B. Kantarci "NTN-aided Quality and Energy-aware Data Collection in Time-critical Robotic Wireless Sensor Networks", IEEE Internet of Things Magazine, vol. 7, issue 3, pp. 114 120, May 2024. DOI: 10.1109/IOTM.001.2300200, [bibtex]



J109. M. Simsek, A. Boukerche, B. Kantarci, M. Hancer, R. Bitirgen, I. Bayezit, Dynamic Artificial Neural Network-Assisted GPS-less Navigation for IoT-Enabled Drones, IEEE Internet of Things Magazine, vol. 7, issue 3, pp. 92 99, May 2024. DOI: 10.1109/IOTM.001.2200276, [bibtex].



J108. B. Zhang, M. Simsek, M. Kulhandjian, B. Kantarci, Enhancing the Safety of Autonomous vehicles in Adverse Weather by Deep Learning-Based Object Detection, Electronics, May 2024. DOI: 10.3390/electronics13091765, [bibtex]



J107. P. E. Iturria-Rivera, M. Chenier, B. Herscovici, B. Kantarci, M. Erol-Kantarci, "Cooperate or not Cooperate: Transfer Learning with Multi-Armed Bandit for Spatial Reuse in Wi-Fi," IEEE Transactions on Machine Learning in Communications and Networking, vol. 2, pp. 351 366, Feb 2024 DOI: 10.1109/TMLCN.2024.3371929, [bibtex]



J106. S. Kuili, K. Dabbour, I. Hasan, A.Hersovich, B. Kantarci, M. Chenier, M. Erol-Kantarci, "Adversarial Machine Learning-Enabled Anonymization of OpenWiFi Data",  Wireless World: Research and Trends (River Publishers), vol. 1/1, pp. 33--42, March 2024DOI: 10.13052/2794-7254.005 [bibtex]



J105. O. M. Gul, M. Kulhandjian, B. Kantarci, A. Touazi, C. Ellement, C. D'Amours, On the Impact of CDL and TDL Augmentation for RF Fingerprinting under Impaired Channels,  Wireless World: Research and Trends (River Publishers), March 2024, DOI: 10.13052/2794-7254.006[bibtex]



J104. M. A. Ferrag, O. Friha, B. Kantarci, N. Tihanyi, L. Cordeiro, M. Debbah, D. Hamouda, M. Al-Hawawreh, K-K. Raymond Choo, "Edge Learning for 6G-enabled Internet of Things: A Comprehensive Survey of Vulnerabilities, Datasets, and Defenses," IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials, vol, 25, issue 4, pp. 2654 2713, Fourth Quarter 2023 DOI:10.1109/COMST.2023.3317242 [bibtex]



J103. B. Xiao, M. Simsek, B. Kantarci, A-A, Alkheir, Table detection for visually rich document images, Elsevier Knowledge-Based systems, vol. 282, p. 111080, Dec. 2023 DOI: 10.1016/j.knosys.2023.111080 [bibtex]



J102. P. E. Iturria-Rivera, M. Chenier, B. Herscovici, B. Kantarci and M. Erol-Kantarci, "Meta-Bandit: Spatial Reuse Adaptation via Meta-Learning in Distributed Wi-Fi 802.11ax," in IEEE Networking Letters, DOI: 10.1109/LNET.2023.3268648. [bibtex]

J101. M. A. Onsu, B. Kantarci, A. Boukerche, "How to cope with malicious federated learning clients: An unsupervised learning-based approach," in Elsevier Computer Networks, vol. 234, p. 109938, October 2023. DOI: 10.1016/j.comnet.2023.109938, [bibtex]

J100. Johan Fernandes, Bin Xiao, Murat Simsek, Burak Kantarci, Shahzad Khan, PhD, Ala Abu Alkheir , TableStrRec: framework for table structure recognition in data sheet images . Springer International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition (IJDAR), September 2023. DOI: 10.1007/s10032-023-00453-8, [bibtex]



J99. O. M. Gul, M. Kulhandjian, B. Kantarci, A. Touazi, C. Ellement, C. D'Amours "Secure Industrial IoT Systems via RF Fingerprinting under Impaired Channels with Interference and Noise," IEEE Access, vol. 11, pp. 26289-26307, 2023. DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2023.3257266, [bibtex]

J98. M. Shahbazi, M. Simsek, B. Kantarci, "AI-enabled cluster head selection through modified density based clustering in Aeronautical Ad Hoc Networks," Elsevier Ad Hoc Networks, vol. 148, p. 103209, Sep. 2023. DOI: 10.1016/j.adhoc.2023.103209, [bibtex]

J97. N. Parvaresh and B. Kantarci "A continuous actor-critic deep Q-learning-enabled deployment of UAV base stations: Toward 6G small cells in the skies of smart cities," IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society, vol. 4, pp. 700-712, 2023. DOI: 10.1109/OJCOMS.2023.3251297, [bibtex]

J96. D. Cicek and B. Kantarci "Use of Mobile Crowdsensing in Disaster Management: A Systematic Review, Challenges, and Open Issues," Sensors, 23(3):1699, Jan 2023. DOI: 10.3390/s23031699, [bibtex]

J95. A. B. de Neira, B. Kantarci, M. Nogueira, "Distributed denial of service attack prediction: Challenges, open issues and opportunities," Elsevier Computer Networks, p. 109553, Jan 2023. DOI: 10.1016/j.comnet.2022.109553,[bibtex]

J94. O. Friha, M. A. Ferrag, M. Benbouzid, T. Berghout, B. Kantarci, K-K. R. Choo, "2DF-IDS: Decentralized and Differentially Private Federated Learning-based Intrusion Detection System for Industrial IoT," Elsevier Computers & Security, p. 103097, Jan. 2023. DOI: 10.1016/j.cose.2023.103097, [bibtex]

J93. Z. Chen, O. M. Gul, B. Kantarci, "Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance-based Robustness for Mobile Crowdsensing," ACM Distributed Ledger Technologies, vol 2/2, Article 12, pp. 1-24, June. 2023. DOI: 10.1145/3580392, [bibtex]

J92. A. Vergutz, B. V. dos Santos, B. Kantarci, M. Nogueira "Data Instrumentation from IoT Network Traffic as Support for Security Management," IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, vol.20/22, pp. 1392 1404, June 2023. DOI: 10.1109/TNSM.2022.3233673, [bibtex]

J91. O. M. Gul, M. A. Erkmen, B. Kantarci "" UAV-Driven Sustainable and Quality-Aware Data Collection in Robotic Wireless Sensor Networks," IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 9, issue 24, pp. 25150 - 25164, Dec. 2022. DOI: 10.1109/JIOT.2022.3195677, [bibtex]

J90. O. M. Gul, B. Kantarci "Near Optimal Scheduling for Opportunistic Spectrum Access over Block Fading Channels in Cognitive Radio Assisted Vehicular Network," Elsevier Vehicular Communications, vol. 37, p. 100500 Oct. 2022. DOI: 10.1016/j.vehcom.2022.100500, [bibtex]

J89. Y. Akkaya, M. Simsek, B. Kantarci, S. Khan, "On cropped versus uncropped training sets in tabular structure detection," Elsevier Neurocomputing, vol. 513, pp. 114-126, Nov. 2022. DOI: 10.1016/j.neucom.2022.09.094, [bibtex]

J88. J. Liu, Y. Shen, M. Simsek, B. Kantarci, H. T. Mouftah, M. Bagheri, P. Djukic "A New Realistic Benchmark for Advanced Persistent Threats in Network Traffic," IEEE Networking Letters, vol. 3, issue 4, pp. 162-166, Sep. 2022. DOI: 10.1109/LNET.2022.3185553, [bibtex]

J87. N. Parvaresh, M. Kulhandjian, H. Kulhandjian, C. D'Amours, B. Kantarci, "A Tutorial on AI-Powered 3D Deployment of Drone Base Stations: State of the Art, Applications and Challenge," Elsevier Vehicular Communications, vol. 36, p. 100474, Aug. 2022. DOI: 10.1016/j.vehcom.2022.100474, [bibtex]

J86. Z. Chen, J. Liu, Y. Shen, M. Simsek, B. Kantarci, H. T. Mouftah, P. Djukic, "Machine Learning-Enabled IoT Security: Open Issues and Challenges Under Advanced Persistent Threats," ACM Computing Surveys, vol. 55/5, pp. 1--37, 2022. DOI: 10.1145/3530812, [bibtex]

J85. J. Liu, M. Nogueira, J. Fernandes, B. Kantarci, "Adversarial Machine Learning: A Multi-Layer Review of the State-of-the-Art and Challenges for Wireless and Mobile Systems," IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials, 2022 vol. 24, no. 1, pp. 123-159, Firstquarter 2022. DOI: 10.1109/COMST.2021.3136132, [bibtex]

J84. M. Simsek, B. Kantarci, A. Boukerche "Utility-Aware Legitimacy Detection of Mobile Crowdsensing Tasks via Knowledge-Based Self Organizing Feature Map", IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 2022 (Accepted). DOI: 10.1109/TMC.2021.3136236, [bibtex]

J83. A. Aflaki, M. Gitizadeh, B. Kantarci, "Accuracy Improvement of Electrical Load Forecasting Against New Cyber-Attack Architectures", Elsevier Sustainable Cities and Society, vol. 77, p. 103523, Feb. 2022. DOI: 10.1016/j.scs.2021.103523, [bibtex]

J82. M. Simsek, B. Kantarci, A. Boukerche, S. Khan, "Machine Learning-Backed Planning of Rapid COVID-19 Tests with Autonomous Vehicles with Zero-Day Considerations", IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence, vol. 6/1, pp. 41/52, Feb. 2022. DOI: 10.1109/TETCI.2021.3131352, [bibtex]

J81. J. Fernandes, M. Simsek, B. Kantarci, S. Khan, "TableDet: An End-to-End Deep Learning Approach for Table Detection and Table Image Classification in Data Sheet Images", elsevier Neurocomputing, vol.468, pp. 317--334, January 2022. DOI: 10.1016/j.neucom.2021.10.023, [bibtex]

J80. Y. Wang, B. Kantarci, W. Mardini, "Aggregation of Incentivized Learning Models in Mobile Federated Learning Environments", IEEE Networking Letters, vol. 3/4, pp. 196-200, Dec. 2021. DOI: 10.1109/LNET.2021.3108673, [bibtex]

J79. J. Liu, M. Simsek, B. Kantarci, M. Erol-Kantarci, A. Malton, A. Walenstein, "Risk-Aware Fine-Grained Access Control in Cyber-Physical Contexts", ACM Digital Threats: Research and Practice, 2021 (accepted). DOI: 10.1145/3480468, [bibtex]

J78. O.Benning, J.Calles, B.Kantarci, S.Khan, "Transit networks, social contacts and open data meet public transportation plans for post-COVID-19: A Canadian case study," IEEE Engineering Management Review, vol. 49/3, pp. 30-41, Sep. 2021. DOI: 10.1109/EMR.2021.3103158, [bibtex]

J77. M. Simsek, A. Boukerche, B. Kantarci "AI-driven autonomous vehicles as COVID-19 assessment centers: A novel crowdsensing-enabled strategy," Elsevier Pervasive and Mobile Computing, vol. 75, p.101426, Aug. 2021. DOI: 10.1016/j.pmcj.2021.101426, [bibtex]

J76. Z. Chen, C. Fiandrino, B. Kantarci "On Blockchain Integration into Mobile sensing via Smart Embedded Devices: A Comprehensive Survey," Elsevier Journal of Systems Architecture, vol. 115, p.102011, May 2021. DOI: 10.1016/j.sysarc.2021.102011, [bibtex]

J75. Y. Zhang, M. Simsek, B. Kantarci "Empowering Self-Organized Feature Maps for AI-Enabled Modelling of Fake Task Submissions to Mobile Crowdsensing Platforms, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 1334-1346, Feb, 2021. DOI: 10.1109/JIOT.2020.3011461, [bibtex]

J74. J. Rak, R. Girao-Silva, T. Gomes, G. Ellinas, B. Kantarci, M. Tornatore, Disaster resilience of optical networks: State of the art, challenges, and opportunities, Elsevier Optical Switching and Networking, vol 42, pp. 100619, Nov. 2021. DOI: 10.1016/j.osn.2021.100619, [bibtex]

J73. X. Chen, M. Simsek, B. Kantarci "Locally Reconfigurable Self Organizing Feature Map for High Impact Malicious Tasks Submission in Mobile Crowdsensing," Elsevier Internet of Things Journal, vol. 12, p. 100297, Dec. 2020. DOI: 10.1016/j.iot.2020.100297, [bibtex]

J72. JC. Jiang, B. Kantarci, S. Oktug, T. Soyata, "Federated Learning in Smart City Sensing: Challenges and Opportunities," Sensors, vol. 20, no. 21: 6230, 2020. DOI: 10.3390/s20216230, [bibtex]

J71. N. Taherifard, M. Simsek, C. Lascelles and B. Kantarci, "Attention-Based Event Characterization for Scarce Vehicular Sensing Data," in IEEE Open Journal of Vehicular Technology, vol. 1, pp. 317-330, Sep. 2020. DOI: 10.1109/OJVT.2020.3024755, [bibtex]

J70. JC. Jiang, M. Simsek, B. Kantarci, S. Khan, "TabCellNet: Deep learning-based tabular cell structure detection, Elsevier Neurocomputing, vol. 440, p. 12-23, June 2021. DOI: 10.1016/j.neucom.2021.01.103, [bibtex]

J69. A. Boukerche, B. Kantarci, C. Kaptan "Towards Ensuring the Reliability and Dependability of Vehicular Crowd-Sensing Data in GPS-less Location Tracking, Elsevier Pervasive and Mobile Computing, vol. 68, p. 101248, Oct. 2020. DOI: 10.1016/j.pmcj.2020.101248, [bibtex]

J68. M. Simsek, B. Kantarci, Y. Zhang, "Ensemble Methods for the Detection of Fake Tasks in Mobile Crowdsensing under Limited Training Data, IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine, vol. 15, issue 3, pp. 86--94, September 2020 DOI: 10.1109/MVT.2020.3002522,[bibtex]

J67. S. Otoum, B. Kantarci, H. T. Mouftah, "A Comparative Study of AI-based Intrusion Detection Techniques in Critical Infrastructures, ACM Transactions on Internet Technology, 2020 (accepted). DOI: 10.1145/3406093, [bibtex]

J66. M. Simsek and B. Kantarci, "Artificial Intelligence-Empowered Mobilization of Assessments in COVID-19-like Pandemics: A Case Study for Early Flattening of the Curve, Int. Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, vol. 17/10, 3437.1-3437.17, May 2020. DOI: 10.3390/ijerph17103437, [bibtex]

J65. V. S. Dasasri, B. Kantarci, M. Pouryazdan, L. Foschini, M. Girolami, "Game Theory in Mobile CrowdSensing: A Comprehensive Survey, Sensors, vol. 20/7, 2055.1-2055.23, 2020. DOI: 10.3390/s20072055, [bibtex]

J64. E. Kara, M. Traquair, M. Simsek, B. Kantarci, S. Khan, "Holistic Design for Deep Learning-Based Discovery of Tabular Structures in Datasheet Images, Elsevier Journal of engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, vol 90, p.103551, April 2020. DOI: 10.1016/j.engappai.2020.10355, [bibtex]

J63, M. Elsayed, M. Erol-Kantarci, B. Kantarci, L. Wu, and J. Li, "Low-latency Communications for Community Resilience Microgrids: A Reinforcement Learning Approach, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, vol. 11, issue 2, pp. 1091--1099, March 2020. DOI: 10.1109/TSG.2019.2931753, [bibtex]

J62. K. Quintal, B. Kantarci, M. Erol-Kantarci, A. Malton, A. Walenstein, "Contextual, Behavioral and Biometric Signatures for Continuous Authentication, IEEE Internet Computing, Sep. 2019. DOI: 10.1109/MIC.2019.2941391, [bibtex]

J61. A. L. Santos, C. A. V. Cervantes, M. Nogueira, B. Kantarci, "Clustering and reliability-driven mitigation of routing attacks in massive IoT systems, Springer Journal of Internet Services and Applications, vol 10, 18.1--18.17, September 2019. DOI: 10.1186/s13174-019-0117-8, [bibtex]

J60. R. Venanzi, L. Foschini, P. Bellavista, B. Kantarci, C. Stefanelli, "Fog-Driven Context-Aware Architecture for Node Discovery and Energy Saving Strategy for Internet of Things Environments, IEEE Access, vol. 7, pp. 134173- 134186, 2019. DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2938888, [bibtex]

J59. D. Belli, S. Chessa, B. Kantarci, L. Foschini, "Towards Fog-Based Mobile Crowdsensing Systems: State of the Art and Opportunities, IEEE Communications Magazine, vol 57/12, pp. 78 83, Dec. 2019. DOI: 10.1109/MCOM.001.1900003, [bibtex]

J58. A. Capponi, C. Fiandrino, B. Kantarci, L. Foschini, D. Kliazovich, P. Bouvry "A Survey on Mobile Crowdsensing Systems: Challenges, Solutions and Opportunities, IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials, vol. 21/3, pp. 2419 2465, 2019. DOI: 10.1109/COMST.2019.2914030, [bibtex]

J57. H. Habibzadeh, B. Nussbaum, B. Kantarci, F. Anjomshoa, T. Soyata "A Survey on Cybersecurity, Data Privacy, and Policy Issues in Cyber-Physical System Deployments in Smart Cities, Elsevier Sustainable Cities and Society, vol 50, Article: 101660, October, 2019. DOI: 10.1016/j.scs.2019.101660, [bibtex]

J56. S. Otoum, B. Kantarci, H. T. Mouftah, "On the Feasibility of Deep Learning in Sensor Network Intrusion Detection, IEEE Networking Letters, vol. 1/2 pp. 68--71, 2019. DOI: 10.1109/LNET.2019.2901792, [bibtex]

J55. H. Habibzadeh, C. Kaptan, T. Soyata, B. Kantarci, A. Boukerche, "Smart City System Design: A Comprehensive Study of the Application and Data Planes, ACM Computing Surveys, 2019 (accepted). DOI: 10.1145/3309545, [bibtex]

J54. A. Obinikpo, B. Kantarci, "Big data aggregation in the case of heterogeneity: A feasibility study for Digital Health, Springer Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics, 2019 (accepted). DOI: 10.1007/s13042-018-00904-3, [bibtex]

J53.  I. Al Ridhawi, M. Aloqaily, B. Kantarci, Y. Jararweh, H. T. Mouftah, "A continuous diversified vehicular cloud service availability framework for smart cities, Elsevier Computer Networks, vol. 145, pp. 2017--218, Nov. 2018. DOI: 10.1016/j.comnet.2018.08.023, [bibtex]

J52. Q. Guo, Y. Zhang, J. Lloret, B. Kantarci, W. K.G. Seah, "A Localization Method Avoiding Flip Ambiguities for micro-UAVs with Bounded Distance Measurement Errors, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 2018 (accepted). DOI: 10.1109/TMC.2018.2865462, [bibtex]

J51. H. Habibzadeh, T. Soyata, B. Kantarci, A. Boukerche, C. Kaptan, "Sensing, Communication and Security Planes: A New Challenge for a Smart City System Design, Elsevier Computer Networks, vol. 144, pp. 163 200, Oct. 2018. DOI: 10.1016/j.comnet.2018.08.001, [bibtex]

J50. A. Omara, D. Gulen, B. Kantarci, S. Oktug "Trajectory Assisted Municipal Agent Mobility: A Sensor-Driven Smart Waste Management System, Journal of Sensor and Actuator Networks, vol. 7, p.29, July 2018. DOI: 10.3390/jsan7030029, [bibtex]

J49. F. Anjomshoa and B. Kantarci, "SOBER-MCS: Sociability-Oriented and Battery Efficient Recruitment for Mobile Crowd-Sensing, Sensors, vol. 18, issue 5, p.1593, May 2018. DOI: 10.3390/s18051593, [bibtex]

J48. G. P. Xavier and B. Kantarci, "A Survey on the Communication and Network Enablers for Cloud-Based Services: State of the Art, Challenges and Opportunities, Springer Annals of Telecommunications, vol. 73, issue 3-4, pp. 166-192, April 2018. DOI: 10.1007/s12243-018-0629-4, [bibtex]

J47. P. A. K. Lorimer, V. M-F. Diec, B. Kantarci, "COVERS-UP: Collaborative Verification of Smart User Profiles for social sustainability of smart cities, Elsevier Sustainable Cities and Society, Special Issue on Role of Big Data Analytics in a Sustainable Smart City, vol. 38, pp. 348-358, Apr. 2018. DOI: 10.1016/j.scs.2017.11.030, [bibtex]

J46. A. Boggio-Dandry, H. Habibzadeh, Z. Qin, T. Soyata, B. Kantarci, H. T. Mouftah, "Soft Sensing in Smart Cities: Handling 3Vs Using Recommender Systems, Machine Intelligence, and Data Analytics, IEEE Communications Magazine, vol. 56, issue 2, pp. 78-86, Mar.-Apr. 2018. DOI: 10.1109/MCOM.2018.1700304, [bibtex]

J45. M. Pouryazdan, C. Fiandrino, B. Kantarci, T. Soyata, D. Klazovich, P. Bouvry, "Intelligent Gaming for Mobile Crowd-sensing Participants to Acquire Trustworthy Big Data in the Internet of Things, IEEE Access, special section on Intelligent systems for Internet of Things, vol. 5, pp. 22209-22223, Dec. 2017. DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2017.2762238, [bibtex]

J44. A. A. Obinikpo, B. Kantarci, "Big Sensed Data Meets Deep Learning for Smarter Health Care in Smart Cities, Journal of Sensor and Actuator Networks (MDPI), vol. 6, no. 4, pp. 26.1--26.22, Nov. 2017. DOI: 10.3390/jsan6040026, [bibtex]

J43. S. Otoum, B. Kantarci, H. T. Mouftah, "Detection of Known and Unknown Intrusive Sensor Behavior in Critical Applications, IEEE Sensors Letters, vol. 1, issue 5, pp. 1-4, 2017. DOI: 10.1109/LSENS.2017.2752719, [bibtex]

J42. H. Habibzadeh, Z. Qin, T. Soyata, B. Kantarci, "Large Scale Distributed Dedicated- and Non-Dedicated Smart City Sensing Systems, IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 17, No. 23, pp. 7649-7658, Dec 2017. DOI: 10.1109/JSEN.2017.2725638,[bibtex]

J41. F. Anjomshoa, M. Aloqaily, B. Kantarci, M. Erol-Kantarci, S. Schuckers, "Social Behaviometrics for Personalized Devices in the Internet of Things Era, IEEE Access, vol. 5, pp. 12199-12213, Dec. 2017. DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2017.2719706, [bibtex]

J40. T. Qiu, K. Zheng, H. Song, M. Han, B. Kantarci, "A Local-Optimization Emergency Scheduling Scheme with Self-Recovery for Smart Grid, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, vol. 13, issue 6, pp. 3195-3205, Dec. 2017. DOI: 10.1109/TII.2017.2715844, [bibtex]

J39. C. Fiandrino, F. Anjomshoa, B. Kantarci, D. Kliazovich, P. Bouvry, J. Matthews, "Sociability-Driven Framework for Data Acquisition in Mobile Crowdsensing over Fog Computing Platforms for Smart Cities, IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Computing, vol. 2, issue 4, pp. 345-358, Dec. 2017. DOI: 10.1109/TSUSC.2017.2702060, [bibtex]

J38. A. Obinikpo, Y. Zhang, H. Song, T. H. Luan, B. Kantarci, "Queuing Algorithm for Effective Target Coverage in Mobile Crowd Sensing, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 4, issue 4., pp. 1046 1055, Aug. 2017. DOI: 10.1109/JIOT.2017.2688366, [bibtex]

J37. M. U. Hameed, S. A. Haider, B. Kantarci, "Performance Impacts of Hybrid Cloud Storage, Springer-Computing, vol. 99, issue 12, pp 1207 1229, Dec. 2017. DOI: 10.1007/s00607-017-0560-y, [bibtex]

J36. M. Pouryazdan, B. Kantarci, T. Soyata, L. Foschini, H. Song, "Quantifying User Reputation Scores, Data Trustworthiness, and User Incentives in Mobile Crowd-Sensing, IEEE Access special section on Big Data Analytics in Internet-of-Things And Cyber-Physical System, vol. 5, pp. 1382 1397, 2017. DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2017.2660461, [bibtex]

J35. C. Fiandrino, A. Capponi, G. Cacciatore, D. Kliazovich, U. Sorger, P. Bouvry, B. Kantarci, F. Granlli, S. Giordano, "CrowdSenSim: a Simulation Platform for Mobile Crowdsensing in Realistic Urban Environments, IEEE Access, vol. 5/1, 3490-3503, Dec. 2017. DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2017.2671678, [bibtex]

J34. L. Wu, J. Li, M. Erol-Kantarci, B. Kantarci, "An Integrated Reconfigurable Control and Self-Organizing Communication Framework for Community Resilience Microgrids, The Electricity Journal (Elsevier), vol. 30, issue 4 , pp. 27-34, May, 2017. DOI: 10.1016/j.tej.2017.03.011, [bibtex]

J33. J. Yang, H. Wang, Z. Lv, W. Wei, H. Song, M. Erol-Kantarci, B. Kantarci, S. He, "Multimedia recommendation and transmission system based on cloud platform," Elsevier Future Generation Computing Systems, vol. 70, pp. 94-103, May 2017. DOI: 10.1016/j.future.2016.06.015, [bibtex]

J32. Z. I.Rauen, B. Kantarci, H. T. Mouftah, "Resiliency versus Energy Sustainability in Optical Inter-Datacenter Networks, " Elsevier Optical Switching and Networking, vol. 3/2, pp. 144-155, Jan, 2017. DOI: 10.1016/j.osn.2016.06.003, [bibtex]

J31. S. Hijazi, A. Page, T. soyata, B. Kantarci, "Machine Learning in Cardiac Health Monitoring and Decision Support", IEEE Computer-Special Issue on Smart Health and Well Being, 2016. DOI: 10.1109/MC.2016.339, [bibtex]

J30. M. Pouryazdan, B. Kantarci, "The smart citizen factor in trustworthy smart city crowdsensing," IEEE IT Professional, special issue on IT in Smart Cities, pp. 26-33, July/August 2016. DOI: 10.1109/MITP.2016.72, [bibtex]

J29. M. Aloqaily, B. Kantarci, H. T. Mouftah, "Multiagent/Multiobjective Interaction Game System for Service Provisioning in Vehicular Cloud, " IEEE Access, vol. 4, pp. 3153-3168, 2016. DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2016.2575038, [bibtex]

J28. A. Page, S. Hijazi, D. Askan, B. Kantarci, T. Soyata, "Research Directions in Cloud-Based Decision Support Systems for Health Monitoring Using Internet-of-Things Driven Data Acquisition," International Journal of Services Computing (IJSC), vol. 4, no. 4, pp. 18-34, 2016., [bibtex]

J27. T. K.Refaat, B. Kantarci,H. T. Mouftah "Virtual Machine Migration and Management for Vehicular Clouds," Elsevier-Vehicular Communications, special issue on Vehicular Cloud Networking, vol. 4, pp. 47-56, 2016. DOI: 10.1016/j.vehcom.2016.05.001, [bibtex]

J26. M. Pouryazdan, B. Kantarci, T. Soyata and H. Song, "Anchor-Assisted and Vote-based Trustworthiness Assurance in Smart City Crowdsensing" IEEE Access, vol. 4, pp. 529-541, Mar. 2016. DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2016.2519820, [bibtex]

J25. I. Butun, M. Erol-Kantarci, B. Kantarci, H. Song, "Cloud-centric Multi-level Authentication as a Service for Secure Public Safety Device Networks," IEEE Communications Magazine, special issue on Critical Communications and Public Safety Networks, vol. 54, issue:4, pp. 47--53, April 2016. DOI: 10.1109/MCOM.2016.7452265, [bibtex]

J24. B. Kantarci, C. D. Pearsall, K. G. Carr, "SONATA: Social Network-Assisted Trustworthiness Assurance in Smart City Crowdsensing," IGI Global International Journal of Distributed Systems and Technologies, Special Issue on Advances in Clouds for Smart Cities, vol. 7, pp. 59-78, Jan-Mar. 2016. DOI: 10.4018/IJDST.2016010104, [bibtex]

J23. B. Kantarci, H. T. Mouftah, "Inter-Data Center Network Dimensioning under Time-of-Use Pricing," IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, vol. 4/4, pp. 402-414, Oct-Dec. 2016. DOI: 10.1109/TCC.2014.2371037, [bibtex]

J22. B. Kantarci, H. T. Mouftah, "Resilient Design of a Cloud System over an Optical Transport Network," IEEE Network, vol 29/5, pp. 80-87, Jul/Aug. 2015. DOI: 10.1109/MNET.2015.7166195, [bibtex]

J21. B. Kantarci, H. T. Mouftah, "Trustworthy Sensing for Public Safety in Cloud-Centric Internet of Things," IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 1, issue 4, pp. 360-368, August 2014. DOI: 10.1109/JIOT.2014.2337886, [bibtex]

J20. B. Kantarci, L. Foschini, A. Corradi, H. T. Mouftah, "Design of Energy-Efficient Cloud Systems via Network and Resource Virtualization," Wiley-International Journal of Network Management, SI on Management and Security technologies for Cloud Computing, vol 25, pp. 75-94, August 2015. DOI: 10.1002/nem.1838, [bibtex]

J19. N. Zaker, B. Kantarci, M. Erol-Kantarci, H. T. Mouftah, "Smart Grid Monitoring with Service Differentiation via EPON and Wireless Sensor Network Convergence" Elsevier Optical Switching and Networking, vol. 14, part-1, pp. 53-68, August, 2014. DOI: 10.1016/j.osn.2014.01.010, [bibtex]

J18. N. Naas, B. Kantarci, H. T. Mouftah, "Energy-Efficient Design for Multi-Granular Optical Transport Networks with Optical Reach Consideration," Elsevier Optical Switching and Networking, vol. 13, pp. 76-93, July 2014. DOI: 10.1016/j.osn.2014.01.011, [bibtex]

J17 D. Tafani, B. Kantarci, H. T. Mouftah, C. McArdle, L. P. Barry, "A Distributed Framework for Energy-Efficient Lightpaths in Computational Grids," Journal of High Speed Networks, SI on Green Networking and Computing, vol. 19/1, pp. 1-18, Jan. 2013. DOI: 10.3233/JHS-130457, [bibtex]

J16 B. Kantarci, H. T. Mouftah, "Designing an Energy-Efficient Cloud Network," IEEE/OSA Journal of Optical Communications and Networking, vol. 4/11, pp. B101-B113, Nov. 2012. DOI: 10.1364/JOCN.4.00B101, [bibtex]

J15. M. G. Khair, B. Kantarci, H. T. Mouftah, "Cellular IP Address Provisioning in Wireless Sensor Networks", International Journal of Communication Systems, doi: 10.1002/dac.2451, 2012. DOI: 10.1002/dac.2451, [bibtex]

J14. B. Kantarci, H. T. Mouftah, "Two-stage Report Generation in Long-Reach EPON for Enhanced Delay Performance", Elsevier Computer Communications special issue on Progress on Broadband Access Networks and Optical-Wireless Convergence, vol. 6/4, pp. 183-191, 2012. DOI: 10.1016/j.comcom.2012.07.008, [bibtex]

J13. B. Kantarci, H. T. Mouftah, "Bandwidth Distribution Solutions for Performance Enhancement in Long-Reach Passive Optical Networks", IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, vol 14/3, pp 714-733, Third Quarter 2012. DOI: 10.1109/SURV.2011.081511.00013, [bibtex]

J12. B. Kantarci, H. T. Mouftah, "Energy Efficiency in the Extended-Reach Fiber-Wireless Access Networks", IEEE Network, vol 26, no 2, pp. 28-35,March/April 2012. DOI: 10.1109/MNET.2012.6172272, [bibtex]

J11. B. Kantarci, H. T. Mouftah, "Delay-Constrained Admission and Bandwidth Allocation for Long-Reach EPON", Journal of Networks, vol 7/5, pp. 812-820, May 2012. DOI: 10.4304/jnw.7.5.812-820, [bibtex]

J10. B. Kantarci, H. T. Mouftah, "Availability and Cost-Constrained Long-Reach Passive Optical Network Planning", IEEE Transactions on Reliability, vol 61, issue 1, pp. 113-124, March 2012. DOI: 10.1109/TR.2011.2182400, [bibtex]

J09. B. Kantarci, H. T. Mouftah, "Ethernet Passive Optical Network- Long Term Evolution Deployment for a Green Access Network", IET Optoelectronics, special issue on Green Photonics, 2012. DOI: 10.1049/iet-opt.2010.0112, [bibtex]

J08. M. Erol-Kantarci, B. Kantarci, H. T. Mouftah, "Reliable Overlay Topology Design for the Smart Microgrid Network", IEEE Network, vol 25/5, pp. 38-43, Sep. 2011. DOI: 10.1109/MNET.2011.6033034, [bibtex]

J07. B. Kantarci, H. T. Mouftah, "Periodic GATE Optimization (PGO): A new service scheme for Long-Reach Passive Optical Networks", IEEE Systems Journal, vol.4, no.4, pp.440-448, Dec. 2010. DOI: 10.1109/JSYST.2010.2082070, [bibtex]

J06. B. Kantarci, H. T. Mouftah, S. Oktug, "Adaptive Schemes for Differentiated Availability-Aware Connection Provisioning in Optical Transport Networks", IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, vol 27, issue 20, pp. 4595-4602, October 2009. DOI: 10.1109/JLT.2009.2025246, [bibtex]

J05. M. G. Khair, B. Kantarci, J. Zheng, H. T. Mouftah, "Optimization for Fault Localization in All-Optical Networks", IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, vol 27, issue 21, pp.4832-4840, November 2009. DOI: 10.1109/JLT.2009.2026063, [bibtex]

J04. B. Kantarci, S. Oktug, "Loss Rate Based Burst Assembly to Resolve Contention in OBS Networks", IET Communications, vol 2, Issue 1, pp. 137-143, Jan 2008. DOI: 10.1049/iet-com:20060670, [bibtex]

J03. B. Kantarci, S. Oktug, T. Atmaca, "'Performance of OBS Techniques under Self-Similar Traffic Based on Various Burst Assembly Techniques", Elsevier Computer Communications, vol 30, Issue 2, pp.315-325, January 2007. DOI: 10.1016/j.comcom.2006.08.035, [bibtex]

J02. B. Kantarci, M. T. Sandikkaya, A. Gencata, S. Oktug, "Prudent Creditization Polling (PCP): A novel adaptive polling service for an EPON", Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 4534/2007, pp.388 - 397, May 2007. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-72731-6_42, [bibtex]

J01. B. Kantarci, S. Oktug, "Path Loss Driven Burst Assembly in OBS Networks", Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 4263/2006, pp.483 - 492, Nov 2006. DOI: 10.1007/11902140_52, [bibtex]


Refereed Conference/Workshop Papers    (back)

C182. M. A. Onsu, P. Lohan, B. Kantarci, E. Janulewicz, "GenAI Assistance for Deep Reinforcement Learning-Based VNF Placement and SFC Provisioning in 5G Cores," IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Montreal, QC, Canada, June 2025 (Accepted)

C181. M. A. Onsu, P. Lohan, B. Kantarci, E. Janulewicz, "Scalability Assurance in SFC Provisioning via Distributed Design for Deep Reinforcement Learning," IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Montreal, QC, Canada, June 2025 (Accepted)

C180. S. Kuili, M. Amini, B. Kantarci, "A Two-Stage CAE-Based Federated Learning Framework for Efficient Jamming Detection in 5G Networks," IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Montreal, QC, Canada, June 2025 (Accepted)

C179. G. Asemian, M. Amini, B. Kantarci, "Active RIS-Assisted URLLC NOMA-Based 5G Network with FBL under Jamming Attacks," IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Montreal, QC, Canada, June 2025 (Accepted)

C178. M. Amini, B. Kantarci, C. D'Amours, M. Erol-Kantarci, "Joint Task Offloading and User Scheduling in 5G MEC under Jamming Attacks," IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Montreal, QC, Canada, June 2025 (Accepted)

C177. T. Zhang, B. Kantarci, U. Siddique, "Augmented Metamorphic Testing for Comprehensive Validation," Workshop on Software Engineering for Autonomous Driving Systems (SE4ADS) at the 47th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2025), April 2025 (Accepted).

C176. M. Arda Onsu, P. Lohan, B. Kantarci, E. Janulewicz, "A New Realistic Platform for Benchmarking and Performance Evaluation of DRL-Driven and Reconfigurable SFC Provisioning Solutions," IEEE Global Communications Conf. (Globecom), Cape Town, South Africa, Dec. 2024. (Preprint available) (BEST PAPER AWARD).

C175. P. Fard Moshiri, M. Simsek, B. Kantarci, "Towards Sustainable Edge Computing: Efficient Task Offloading for Energy Efficiency and Latency Reduction," IEEE Global Communications Conf. (Globecom), Cape Town, South Africa, Dec. 2024.

C174. Z. Chen, M. Simsek, P. Lohan, B. Kantarci, P. Djukic, "All Predict Cost Efficient Decides: A New Cost-Centric Ensemble Learning Method for Network Intrusions Detection," IEEE Global Communications Conf. (Globecom), Cape Town, South Africa, Dec. 2024.

C173. O. Benning, P. Lohan, B. Kantarci, "Actor-Critic Deep Reinforcement Learning for 3D UAV Base Station Positioning and Delay Reduction," 10th IEEE World Forum on the Internet of Things (WF-IoT)-Workshop on Transformative Results on Autonomous Vehicles for Reliable Services in the Air and on Land (TRAVERSAL), November 2024.

C172. D. Cicek, M. Simsek, B. Kantarci, " Green and Intelligent Planning of Drone Launch in Truck-Drone Collaborative Delivery," 10th IEEE World Forum on the Internet of Things (WF-IoT)-Workshop on Transformative Results on Autonomous Vehicles for Reliable Services in the Air and on Land (TRAVERSAL), November 2024.

C171. X. Cai, P. Lohan, B. Kantarci, "A Novel Joint DRL-Based Utility Optimization for UAV Data Services," IEEE 10th World Forum on the Internet of Things (WF-IoT), Ottawa, ON, Nov. 2024. (Preprint available)

C170. M. Amini, G. Asemian, M. Kulhandjian, B. Kantarci, C. D'Amours, M. Erol-Kantarci, "Bypassing a Reactive Jammer via NOMA-Based Transmissions in Critical Missions," IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Denver, CO, USA, June 2024. (Preprint available)

C169. P. F. Moshiri, M. Simsek, B. Kantarci, "On the Interplay Between Network Metrics and Performance of Mobile Edge Offloading," IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Denver, CO, USA, June 2024. (Preprint available)

C168. J. Liu, P. Djukic, M. Kulhandjian, B. Kantarci, "Deep Dict: Deep Learning-based Lossy Time Series Compressor for IoT Data," IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Denver, CO, USA, June 2024. (Preprint available)

C167. M. A. Onsu, M. Simsek, M. Fobert, B. Kantarci, "Real-Time Binary Cell Phone Usage Detection and Classification on Vehicular Edge Devices," International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC), IEEE, Ayia Napa, Cyprus, May 2024. DOI: 10.1109/IWCMC61514.2024.10592467, [bibtex]

C166. S. Kuili, B. Kantarci, M. Chenier, M. Erol-Kantarci, B. Herscovici "'Domain adaptive deep semi-supervised transfer learning for anomaly detection in OpenWiFi," International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC), IEEE, Ayia Napa, Cyprus, May 2024 DOI: 10.1109/IWCMC61514.2024.10592418, [bibtex].

C165. G. Asemian, M. Kulhandjian, M. Amini, B. Kantarci, C. D'Amours, M. Erol-Kantarci "The impact of mobility, beam sweeping and smart jammers on security vulnerabilities of 5G cells," 50-th Wireless World Research Forum, Jan 2024

C164. T. Ennab, Y. Khamayseh, W. Mardini, Y. Shen, B. Kantarci, Analysis of Version Number Attack using Multiple RPL Instances, 12th International Conference on Networks, Communication and Computing (ICNCC), pp. 6 15, Osaka, Japan, Dec. 2023, DOI: 10.1145/3638837.3638860, [bibtex]

C163. J. Liu, M. Simsek, M. Nogueira, B. Kantarci "Multidomain transformer-based deep learning for early detection of network intrusion," IEEE Global Communications Conference (Globecom), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Dec. 2023, DOI: 10.1109/GLOBECOM54140.2023.10436976, [bibtex]

C162. M. A. Onsu, M. Simsek, B. Kantarci "Anomalous Behaviour Detection via Event-Based Metric with Sequential Tracking in a V2X Environment," IEEE Global Communications Conference (Globecom), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Dec. 2023, DOI: 10.1109/GLOBECOM54140.2023.10437840, [bibtex]

C161. A. Omara, B. Kantarci,  "Generative Adversarial Networks to Secure Vehicle-to-Microgrid Services," IEEE Virtual Communications Conference (VCC), Nov. 2023 (Best Student PAPER AWARD)

C160. P. E. Itturria Rivera, M. Chenier, B. Herscovici, B. Kantarci, M. Erol-Kantarci, "Channel Selection for Wi-Fi 7 Multi-Link Operation via Optimistic-Weighted VDN and Parallel Transfer Reinforcement Learning," IEEE 34th Annual International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), Toronto, ON, Canada, September 2023. DOI: 10.1109/PIMRC56721.2023.10293832, [bibtex]

C159. R. Polus, C. D'Amours, B. Kantarci, "Physical Layer Security Over UAV-to-Ground Channels with Shadowing," IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC)-Spring, Florence, Italy, June 2023. DOI: 10.1109/VTC2023-Spring57618.2023.10199179, [bibtex]

C158. M. A. Ferrag, B. Kantarci, L. Cordeiro, M. Debbah, K-K R. Choo, "Poisoning Attacks in Federated Edge Learning for Digital Twin 6G-enabled IoTs: An Anticipatory Study," IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) Workshops, Rome, Italy, May 2023 . DOI: 10.1109/ICCWorkshops57953.2023.10283797, [bibtex]

C157. M. A. Onsu, B. Kantarci, A. Boukerche, "On the Impact of Malicious and Cooperative Clients on Validation Score-Based Model Aggregation for Federated Learning," IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Rome, Italy, May 2023 . DOI: 10.1109/ICCWorkshops57953.2023.10283797,[bibtex]

C156. B. Xiao, Y. Akkaya, M. Simsek, B. Kantarci, A. A. Alkheir, "Multi-modal OCR System for the ICT Global Supply Chain," IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Rome, Italy, May 2023 . DOI: 10.1109/ICC45041.2023.10279365,[bibtex

C155. P. E. Iturria Rivera, M. Chenier, B. Herscovici, B. Kantarci, M. Erol-Kantarci, "RL meets Multi-Link Operation in IEEE 802.11be: Multi-Headed Recurrent Soft-Actor Critic-based Traffic Allocation," IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Rome, Italy, May 2023 (BEST PAPER AWARD). DOI: 10.1109/ICC45041.2023.10279008, [bibtex]

C154. S. Kuili, B. Kantarci, M. Chenier, M. Erol-Kantarci, B. Herscovici, "On augmented intelligence and performance anomaly detection in unlabeled OpenWiFi Data," IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Rome, Italy, May 2023 . DOI: 10.1109/ICC45041.2023.10279480, [bibtex]

C153. Y. Shen, M. Simsek, B. Kantarci, H. T. Mouftah, M. Bagheri, P. Djukic, "Knowledge-Based Zero-Touch Security under Host and Network Flow Features Merger," IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Rome, Italy, May 2023 .DOI: 10.1109/ICC45041.2023.10278646, [bibtex

C152. H. Kulhandjian, E. Batz, E. Garcia, S. Vega, S. Velma, M. Kulhandjian, C. D Amours, B. Kantarci, T. Mukherjee, AI-based RF Fingerprinting Framework and Implementation using software-defined radios, IEEE International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communication (ICNC), Honolulu, HI, Feb 2023 . DOI: 10.1109/ICNC57223.2023.10074023, [bibtex]

C151. A. Omara, B. Kantarci, Adversarial Machine Learning-Based Anticipation of Threats Against Vehicle-to-Microgrid Services, IEEE Global Communications Conference (Globecom), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, December 2022. DOI: 10.1109/GLOBECOM48099.2022.10000757, [bibtex]

C150. B. Xiao, M. Simsek, B. Kantarci, A. Alkheir, Efficient Information Sharing in ICT Supply Chain Social Network via Table Structure Recognition, IEEE Global Communications Conference (Globecom), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, December 2022. DOI: 10.1109/GLOBECOM48099.2022.10001041, [bibtex]

C149. B. Xiao, M. Simsek, B. Kantarci, A. Alkheir, Handling big tabular data of ICT supply chains: a multi-task, machine-interpretable approach, IEEE Global Communications Conference (Globecom), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, December 2022. DOI: 10.1109/GLOBECOM48099.2022.10001253, [bibtex]

C148. Y. Shen, M. Simsek, B. Kantarci, H. T. Mouftah, M. Bagheri, P. Djukic, Prior Knowledge based Advanced Persistent Threats Detection for IoT in a Realistic Benchmark, IEEE Global Communications Conference (Globecom), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, December 2022. DOI: 10.1109/GLOBECOM48099.2022.10000811, [bibtex]

C147. J. Liu, M. Simsek, B. Kantarci, M. Bagheri, P. Djukic, Collaborative Feature Maps of Networks and Hosts for AI-driven Intrusion Detection, IEEE Global Communications Conference (Globecom), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, December 2022. DOI: 10.1109/GLOBECOM48099.2022.10000985, [bibtex]

C146. O. M. Gul, M. Kulhandjian, B. Kantarci, A. Touazi, C. Ellement, C. D'Amours, Fine-grained Augmentation for RF Fingerprinting under Impaired Channels, IEEE International Workshop on Computer-Aided Modeling and Design of Communication Links (CAMAD), Paris, France, Nov. 2022. DOI: 10.1109/CAMAD55695.2022.9966888, [bibtex]

C145. N. Parvaresh and B. Kantarci, Deep Q-learning-enabled deployment of aerial base stations in the presence of mobile users, 20th ACM International Symposium on Mobility Management and Wireless Access (MobiWac), pp. 73-80, Montreal, Canada, Oct. 2022. DOI: 10.1145/3551660.3560909, [bibtex]

C144. M. Shahbazi, M. Simsek, B. Kantarci, "Density-Based Clustering and Performance Enhancement of Aeronautical Ad Hoc Networks," IEEE International Balkan Communications Conference (Balkancom), Sarajevo, Bosnia Herzegovina, August 2022. DOI: 10.1109/BalkanCom55633.2022.9900681, [bibtex]

C143. Z. Chen, B. Kantarci, "Generative Adversarial Network-Driven Detection of Adversarial Tasks in Mobile Crowdsensing," IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Seoul, South Korea, May 2022. DOI: 10.1109/ICC45855.2022.9839003, [bibtex]

C142. M. Simsek, B. Kantarci, A. Boukerche, "Collaborative Self Organizing Map with DeepNNs for Fake Task Prevention in Mobile Crowdsensing," IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Seoul, South Korea, May 2022. DOI: 10.1109/ICC45855.2022.9838920, [bibtex]

C141. C. Comert, M. Kulhandjian, O. Gul, A. Touazi, C. Ellement, B. Kantarci, C. D'Amours, "Analysis of Augmentation Methods for RF Fingerprinting under Impaired Channels," ACM Workshop on Wireless Security and Machine Learning, San Antonio, TX, U.S.A, May 2022. DOI: 10.1145/3522783.3529518, [bibtex]

C140. S. Kuili, B. Kantarci, M. Erol-Kantarci, M. Chenier, B. Herscovici, "A holistic machine learning approach to identify performance anomalies in enterprise WiFi deployments," SPIE Defense + Commercial Sensing Symposium, April 2022. DOI: 10.1117/12.2621087, [bibtex]

C139. M. C. Eris, B. Kantarci, S. Oktug "Unveiling the Wireless Network Limitations in Federated Learning" IEEE International Symposium on Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks (DySPAN) - Special Session: Intelligent and ML Driven Network Automation and Control, [Virtual], December 2021. DOI: 10.1109/DySPAN53946.2021.9677285, [bibtex]

C138. Z. Chen, M. Simsek, B. Kantarci, P. Djukic "All Predict Wisest Decides: A Novel Ensemble Method to Detect Intrusive Traffic in IoT Networks" IEEE Global Communications Conference (Globecom), Madrid, Spain, December 2021.(BEST PAPER AWARD). DOI: 10.1109/GLOBECOM46510.2021.9685318, [bibtex]

C137. A. Omara, B. Kantarci "On the Impact of Data Integrity Attacks on Vehicle-to-Microgrid Services" 25th EEE International Workshop on Computer Aided Modeling and Design of Communication Links and Networks (CAMAD), Porto, Portugal (Virtual), October 2021. DOI: 10.1109/CAMAD52502.2021.9617787, [bibtex]

C136. Z. Chen, B. Kantarci, "Adversarial Machine Learning-Driven Fake Task Anticipation in Mobile Crowdsensing Systems" IEEE Congress on Intelligent and Service Oriented Systems Engineering (CISOSE), Oxford, UK [virtual], August 2021 [Invited]. DOI: 10.1109/SOSE52839.2021.00011, [bibtex]

C135. A. Prud'Homme, B. Kantarci, " Poisoning Attack Anticipation in Mobile Crowdsensing: A Competitive Learning-Based Study" ACM Workshop on Wireless Security and Machine Learning (WiseML 2021), Abu Dhabi, UAE (Virtual), July 2021. DOI: 10.1145/3468218.3469050, [bibtex]

C134. Y. Wang, B. Kantarci, " Reputation-enabled Federated Learning Model Aggregation in Mobile Platforms" IEEE Interneational Conference on Communications (ICC), Montreal, QC, Canada, June 2021. DOI: 10.1109/ICC42927.2021.9500928, [bibtex]

C133. N. Taherifard, M. Simsek, C. Lascelles, B. Kantarci, " Prior Knowledge Input to Improve LSTM Auto-encoder-based Characterization of Vehicular Sensing Data" IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Montreal, QC, Canada, June 2021. DOI: 10.1109/ICC42927.2021.9500768, [bibtex]

C132. Z. Chen, M. Simsek, B. Kantarci, " Federated Learning-Based Risk-Aware Decision to Mitigate Fake Task Impacts on Crowdsensing Platforms" IEEE Interneational Conference on Communications (ICC), Montreal, QC, Canada, June 2021. DOI: 10.1109/ICC42927.2021.9500608, [bibtex]

C131. H. Deniz, M. Simsek, B. Kantarci, "On Delay Sensitivity Clusters of Microgrid Data Aggregation Under LTE-A Links" IEEE Interneational Black Sea Conference on Communications and Networking (BlackSeaCom), Bucharest, Romania, May 2021. DOI: 10.1109/BlackSeaCom52164.2021.9527781, [bibtex]

C130. M. Simsek, B. Kantarci, A. Boukerche "Self Organizing Feature Map-Integrated Knowledge-Based Deep Network Against Fake Crowdsensing Tasks" IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), Taipei, Taiwan, December 2020. DOI: 10.1109/GLOBECOM42002.2020.9347983, [bibtex]

C129. Z.Chen, M. Simsek, B. Kantarci, "Region-Aware Bagging and Deep Learning-Based Fake Task Detection in Mobile CrowdSensing" IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), Taipei, Taiwan, December 2020. DOI: 10.1109/GLOBECOM42002.2020.9322625, [bibtex]

C128. S. Kielienyu, B. Kantarci, D. Turgut, S. Khan "Bridging Predictive Analytics and Mobile Crowdsensing for Future Risk Maps of Communities against COVID-19" 18th ACM International Symposium on Mobility Management and Wireless Access (ACM MobiWac), Alicante, Spain, November 2020. DOI: 10.1145/3416012.3424624, [bibtex]

C127. Y. Wang, B. Kantarci, "A new reputation-aware client selection scheme for federated learning within mobile environments" 25th EEE International Workshop on Computer Aided Modeling and Design of Communication Links and Networks (CAMAD) , Pisa, Italy (Virtual Event), September 2020.

C126. N. Taherifard, M.Simsek, C.Lascelles, B. Kantarci, "Machine Learning-Driven Event Characterization under Scarce Vehicular Sensing Data" 25th EEE International Workshop on Computer Aided Modeling and Design of Communication Links and Networks (CAMAD) , Pisa, Italy (Virtual Event), September 2020.

C125. J. Liu, B. Kantarci, C. Adams "Machine Learning-Driven Intrusion Detection for Contiki-NG-Based IoT Networks Exposed to NSL-KDD Dataset" ACM Workshop on Wireless Security and Machine Learning (WiseML) , Linz, Austria (Virtual Event), July July 2020 [invited].

C124. M. Simsek, B. Kantarci, A. Boukerche "Knowledge-Based Machine Learning Boosting for Adversarial Task Detection in Mobile Crowdsensing" IEEE International Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC) , Rennes, France, July 2020.

C123. J.C. Jiang, M. Simsek, B. Kantarci, S. Khan "High Precision Deep Learning-Based Tabular Detection " IEEE International Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC) , Rennes, France, July 2020.

C122. Y. Zhang, M. Simsek, B. Kantarci ""Ensemble Learning Against Adversarial AI-driven Fake Task Submission in Mobile Crowdsensing"," IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) , Dublin, Ireland, June 2020.

C121. Z. Chen, Y. Zhang, M. Simsek, B. Kantarci ""Deep Belief Network-based Fake Task Mitigation for Mobile Crowdsensing under Data Scarcity"," IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) , Dublin, Ireland, June 2020.

C120. S. Otoum, B. Kantarci, H. Mouftah "A Novel Ensemble Method for Advanced Intrusion Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks"," IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) , Dublin, Ireland, June 2020.

C119. M. Simsek, A. Omara, B. Kantarci "'Cost-aware Data Aggregation and Energy Decentralization with Electrical Vehicles in Microgrids through LTE Links" IEEE International BlackSea Conference on Comunications and NEtworking (BlackSeaCom), Odesa, Ukraine, May 2020.

C118. M. Pouryazdan, B. Kantarci, "On Coalitional and Non-Coalitional Games in the Design of User Incentives for Dependable Mobile Crowdsensing Services"," IEEE Conference on Service-Oriented System Engineering (SOSE) , Oxford, U.K, July 2020 [invited track].

C117. V. S Dasari, M. Simsek, B. Kantarci, "Participant Comfort Adaptation in Dependable Mobile Crowdsensing Services"," IEEE Mobile Cloud, Oxford, U.K, July 2020.

C116. K. Quintal, B. Kantarci, M. Erol-Kantarci, A. Malton and A. Walenstein, "Enterprise Security with Adaptive Ensemble Learning on Cooperation and Interaction Patterns," IEEE 17th Annual Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (CCNC), Las Vegas, NV, USA, Jan. 2020, pp. 1-7, doi: 10.1109/CCNC46108.2020.9045328.

C115. Y. Zhang, M. Simsek, B. Kantarci, "Self Organizing Feature Map for Fake Task Attack Modelling in Mobile Crowdsensing"," IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA, December 2019.

C114. K. Quintal, E. Kara, M. Simsek, B. Kantarci, H. Viktor, "Sensory Data-driven Modeling of Adversaries in Mobile Crowdsensing Platforms"," IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA, December 2019.

C113. N. Taherifard, M. Simsek, B. Kantarci, "'Bridging Connected Vehicles with Artificial Intelligence for Smart First Responder Services"," IEEE Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing (GlobalSIP), Ottawa, ON, Canada, Nov. 2019.

C112. A. Sood, M. Simsek, Y. Zhang, B. Kantarci, "''Deep Learning-Based Detection of Fake Task Injection in Mobile Crowdsensing"," IEEE Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing (GlobalSIP), Ottawa, ON, Canada, Nov. 2019.

C111. Y. Zhang, M. Simsek, B. Kantarci "Machine Learning-based Prevention of Battery-oriented Illegitimate Task Injection in Mobile Crowdsensing," ACM Workshop on Wireless Security and Machine Learning (WiseML 2019), Miami, FL, USA, May 2019.

C110. V. Dasari, B. Kantarci, M .Simsek "Trustworthiness and Comfort-Aware Participant Recruitment for Mobile Crowd-Sensing in Smart Environments," IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC) , Barcelona, Spain, June 2019.

C109. D. Belli, S. Chessa, B. Kantarci, L. Foschini "A Capacity-Aware User Recruitment Framework for Fog-Based Mobile Crowd-Sensing Platforms," IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC) , Barcelona, Spain, June 2019.

C108. E. Kara, M. Traquair, B. Kantarci, S. Khan "Deep Learning for Recognizing the Anatomy of Tables on Datasheets," IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC) , Barcelona, Spain, June 2019.

C107. M. Traquair, E. Kara, B. Kantarci, S. Khan "Deep Learning for the Detection of Tabular Information from Electronic Component Datasheets," IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC) , Barcelona, Spain, June 2019.

C106. S. Otoum, B. Kantarci, H. T. Mouftah "Empowering Reinforcement Learning on Big Sensed Data for Intrusion Detection," IEEE International Conference on Communications(ICC)- Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks (AHSN) Symposium , Shanghai, China, May 2019.

C105. A. Omara, B. Kantarci, M. Nogueira, M. Erol-Kantarci, L. Wu, J. Li "Delay Sensitivity-aware Aggregation of Smart Microgrid Data over Heterogeneous Networks," IEEE International Conference on Communications(ICC)- Communication Systems QoS and Reliability Modeling Symposium , Shanghai, China, May 2019.

C104. Y. Zhang, B. Kantarci "AI-based Security Design of Mobile Crowdsensing Systems: Review, Challenges and Case Studies ," 13th IEEE International Conference on Service-Oriented System Engineering (SOSE), San Francisco East Bay, CA, USA, Apr. 2019 (invited).

C103. M. Pouryazdan, B. Kantarci "TA-CROCS: Trustworthiness-Aware Coalitional Recruitment of Crowd-Sensors," IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM)- Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks (AHSN) Symposium , Abu Dhabi, UAE, December 2018.

C102. C. Kaptan, B. Kantarci, A. Boukerche "Reliability-driven vehicular crowd-sensing: A Case study for localization in public transportation," IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM)- Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks (AHSN) Symposium , Abu Dhabi, UAE, December 2018.

C101. Z. I. Rauen, F. Anjomshoa, B. Kantarci, "'Gesture and Sociability-based Continuous Authentication on Smart Mobile Devices, 16th ACM International Symposium on Mobility Management and Wireless Access (ACM MobiWac), Montr al, QC, Canada, Nov. 2018.

C100. W. Yuan, A. Omara, M. Nogueira, B. Kantarci, L. Wu, "Microgrid Data Aggregation and Wireless Transfer Scheduling in the Presence of Time Sensitive Events, 16th ACM International Symposium on Mobility Management and Wireless Access (ACM MobiWac), Montr al, QC, Canada, Nov. 2018.

C99. Z. I. Rauen, F. Anjomshoa, B. Kantarci, "Empowering Human-Computer Interaction in Securing Smartphone Sensing," IEEE 23rd International Workshop on Computer Aided Modeling and Design of Communication Links and Networks (CAMAD) , Barcelona, Spain, September 2018.

C98. V. S. Dasari, M. Pouryazdan, B. Kantarci, "Selective Versus Non-Selective Acquisition of Crowd-Solicited IoT Data and its Dependability," IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC)- Workshop on Convergent Internet of Things , Kansas City, MO, U.S.A, May 2018.

C97. R. Venanzi, B. Kantarci, L. Foschini, P. Bellavista "' "MQTT-Driven Sustainable Node Discovery for the Internet of Things-Fog Environments," IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) , Kansas City, MO, U.S.A, May 2018.

C96. S. Otoum, B. Kantarci, H. T. Mouftah "' "Adaptively Supervised and Intrusion-Aware Data Aggregation for Wireless Sensor Clusters in Critical Infrastructures," IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) , Kansas City, MO, U.S.A, May 2018.

C95. C. Kaptan, B. Kantarci, T. Soyata, A. Boukerche "' "Emulating Smart City Sensors Using Soft Sensing and Machine Intelligence: a Case Study in Public Transportation," IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) , Kansas City, MO, U.S.A, May 2018.

C94. V. S. Dasari, M. Pouryazdan, B. Kantarci "' "On the Impact of Selective Data Acquisition in Mobile Crowd-Sensing Performance," IEEE Canadian Conference on Electrical & Computer Engineering (CCECE) , Qu beC City, QC, Canada, May 2018.

C93. J. Roque, L. Chauvel, M. Aloqaily, B. Kantarci "' "A Feasibility Study on Sustainability-driven Infrastructure Management in Cloud Data Centers," IEEE Canadian Conference on Electrical & Computer Engineering (CCECE) , Qu beC City, QC, Canada, May 2018.

C92. R. Venanzi, B. Kantarci, L. Foschini, P. Bellavista "' "MQTT-Driven Node Discovery for Integrated IoT-Fog Settings Revisited: The Impact of Advertiser Dynamicity," 6th IEEE International Conference on Mobile Cloud Computing, Services, and Engineering (IEEE Mobile Cloud) , Bamberg, Germany, May 2018 (invited).

C91. P. A. K. Lorimer, V. M-F. Diec, B. Kantarci, "' "Participatory detection of identity theft on mobile social platforms," IEEE Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing (GlobalSIP) , Montreal, QC, Canada, November 2017.

C90. B. Felix, A. Santos, B. Kantarci, M. Nogueira, "' "CD-ASM: A New Queuing Paradigm to Overcome Bufferbloat Effects in HetNets," IEEE 28th Annual International Symposium on Personal, Indoor, and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC)", Montreal, QC, Canada, October 2017.

C89. M. Aloqaily, I. Al Ridhawi, B. Kantarci, H. T. Mouftah, "' 'Vehicle as a Resource for Continuous Service Availability in Smart Cities," IEEE 28th Annual International Symposium on Personal, Indoor, and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC)-Workshop on Communications for Networked Smart Cities, Montreal, QC, Canada, October 2017.

C88. M. Aloqaily, B. Kantarci, H. T. Mouftah, "' 'Fairness-Aware Game Theoretic Approach for Service Management in Vehicular Clouds," IEEE 86th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC-Fall), Toronto, ON, Canada, September 2017.

C87. Safa Otoum, B. Kantarci, H. T. Mouftah, "' 'Mitigating False Negative Intruder Decisions in WSN-based Smart Grid Monitoring," International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC), IEEE, Valencia, Spain, June 2017.

C86. M. Aloqaily, B. Kantarci, H. T. Mouftah, "'Trusted Third Party for Service Management in Vehicular Clouds," International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC), IEEE, Valencia, Spain, June 2017.

C85. F. Anjomshoa, B. Kantarci, M. Erol-Kantarci, S. Schuckers, "Detection of Spoofed Identities on Smartphones via Sociability Metrics," IEEE Intl. Conference on Communications (ICC), Paris, France, May 2017

C84. I. Al-Ridhawi, Y. Kotb, M. Aloqaily, B. Kantarci, " A Probabilistic Process Learning Approach for Service Composition in Cloud Networks," IEEE Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (CCECE), May 2017

C83. S Otoum, B. Kantarci, H. T. Mouftah, " Hierarchical Trust-based Black-Hole Detection in WSN-based Smart Grid Monitoring" IEEE Intl. Conference on Communications (ICC), Paris, France, May 2017

C82. M. Pouryazdan, C. Fiandrino, B. Kantarci, D. Kliazovich, T. Soyata, P. Bouvry, "Game-Theoretic Recruitment of Sensing Service Providers for Trustworthy Cloud-Centric Internet-of-Things (IoT) Applications," IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM) Workshop on Cloud Computing Systems, Networks and Applications, Washington DC, USA, 2016 .

C81. C. Fiandrino, B. Kantarci, F. Anjomshoa, D. Kliazovich, P. Bouvry, J. Matthews, "Sociability-Driven User Recruitment in Mobile Crowdsensing Internet of Things Platforms," IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), Washington DC, USA, 2016.

C80. F. Anjomshoa, B. Kantarci, M. Erol-Kantarci , S. Schuckers, "A mobile platform for sociability-based continuous identification," 21st IEEE International Workshop on Computer Aided Modelling and Design of Communication Links and Networks (CAMAD), pp. 149 151, Toronto, ON. Oct. 2016.

C79. A. D. Cartier, D. H. Lee, B. Kantarci, L. Foschini, "IoT-Big Data Software Ecosystems for Smart Cities Sensing: Challenges, Open Issues, and Emerging Solutions," 4th International Workshop on Cloud for IoT (CLIoT), Vienna, Austria, September 2016.

C78. G. Honan, A. Page, O.Kocabas, T. Soyata, , B. Kantarci, "Internet-of-Everything Oriented Implementation of Secure Digital Health (D-Health) Systems," 21st IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC), Messina, Italy, June. 2016.

C77. F. Anjomshoa, M. Catalfamo, D. Hecker, N. Helgeland, A.Rasch, B. Kantarci, M. Erol-Kantarci , S. Schuckers, "Mobile Behaviometric Framework for Sociability Assessment and Identification of Smartphone Users," 21st IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC), Messina, Italy, June. 2016.

C76. Z. I. Rauen, N. S. Rolfe, B. Kantarci, M. K. Banavar, W. Freitag, "A Tool for Simulation and Visualization of Distributed Estimation in Wireless Sensor Networks," IEEE Integrated Stem Education Conference (ISEC), pp. 34-36, Princeton, NJ, Mar. 2016.

C75. B. Kantarci, P. M. Glasser, L. Foschini, "Crowdsensing with social network-aided collaborative trust scores," in Proc. IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), San Diego, CA, USA, Dec. 2015.

C74. A. Page, T. Soyata, J-P, Couderc, M. Aktas, B. Kantarci, S. Andreescu, "Visualization of Health Monitoring Data acquired from Distributed Sensors for Multiple Patients," in Proc. IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), San Diego, CA, USA, Dec. 2015.

C73. M. Aloqaily, B. Kantarci, H. T. Mouftah, "An Auction-driven Multi-objective Provisioning Framework in a Vehicular Cloud," in Proc. IEEE GLOBECOM Workshop on Cloud Computing Systems, Networks and Applications, San Diego, CA, USA, Dec. 2015

C72. P. M. Glasser, O. Kocabas, B. Kantarci, T. Soyata, J. Matthews, "Energy efficient VM migration revisited: SLA assurance and minimum service disruption with available hosts, " in Proc. 12th High-Capacity Optical Networks and Enabling/Emerging Technologies-Information and Communication Technologies (HONET-ICT) Conference, Islamabad, Pakistan, Dec. 2015 (BEST PAPER AWARD).

C71. B. Kantarci, M. Erol-Kantarci, S. Schuckers, "Towards secure cloud-centric Internet of Biometric Things, " in Proc. IEEE Intl. Conference on Cloud Networking (CLOUDNET), Niagara Falls, ON, Canada, pp. 81-83, Oct. 2015.

C70. A. Murturi, B. Kantarci, S. Oktug, "A Reference Model for Crowdsourcing as a Service," in Proc. IEEE Intl. Conference on Cloud Networking (CLOUDNET), Niagara Falls, ON, Canada, pp. 64-66, Oct. 2015.

C69. M. Aloqaily, B. Kantarci, H. T. Mouftah, "A Generalized Framework for Quality of Experience (QoE)-based Provisioning in a Vehicular Cloud," in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Ubiquitous Wireless Broadband (ICUWB), Montreal, QC, Canada, October 2015.

C68. M. Hassanalieragh, A. Page, T. Soyata, Gaurav Sharma, M. Aktas, G. Mateos, B. Kantarci, S. Andreescu, "Health Monitoring and Management Using Internet-of-Things (IoT) Sensing with Cloud-based Processing: Opportunities and Challenges," in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Services Computing (SCC), New York, NY, USA, pp. 285-292, 27 June-2 July 2015

C67. B. Kantarci, H. T. Mouftah, "Sensing Services in Cloud-Centric Internet of Things: A Survey, taxonomy and challenges," IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) Workshop on Cloud Computing Systems, Networks and Applications, London, UK, pp. 1865-1870, June 2015.

C66. I. Butun, B. Kantarci, M. Erol-Kantarci, "Anomaly detection and privacy preservation in cloud-centric Internet of Things," IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) Workshop on Security and Privacy for Internet of Things and Cyber-Physical Systems, London, UK, pp. 2610-2615, June 2015.

C65. B. Kantarci, "Cyber-Physical Alternate Route Recommendation System for Paramedics in an Urban Area," IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), New Orleans, LA, pp. 2155-2160, Mar. 2015.

C64. B. Kantarci, H. T. Mouftah, "Trustworthy Crowdsourcing via Mobile Social Networks," IEEE GLOBECOM, Austin, TX, pp. 2905-2910, Dec. 2014.

C63. M. Aloqaily, B. Kantarci, H. T. Mouftah, "On the impact of Quality of Experience (QoE) in a vehicular cloud with various providers," 11th Intl. Conference HONET-PfE, Charlotte, NC, pp. 94-98, Dec. 2014

C62. N. Naas, B. Kantarci, H. T. Mouftah, " Green Realistic Design of Multi-Granular Optical Core Networks," 11th Intl. Conference HONET-PfE, Charlotte, NC, pp. 51-55, Dec. 2014

C61.M. Aloqaily, B. Kantarci, H. T. Mouftah, "Provisioning Delay Effect of Partaking a Trusted Third Party in a Vehicular Cloud," Global Information Infrastructure and Networking Symposium (GIIS), Montreal, QC, Canada, Sep. 2014.

C60. B. Kantarci, H. T. Mouftah, "Resilient optical inter-data-center network design," 16th Intl. Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON), Graz, Austria, July 2014 [Invited].

C59. H. T. Mouftah, B. Kantarci, "Optical inter-data-center network design under resilience requirements and dynamic electricity pricing," 16th Intl. Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON), Graz, Austria, July 2014 [Invited].

C58. B. Kantarci, H. T. Mouftah, "Mobility-aware Trustworthy Crowdsourcing in Cloud-Centric Internet of Things," IEEE Intl. Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC), Madeira, Portgual, June 2014

C57. T. K. Refaat, B. Kantarci, H. T. Mouftah, "Dynamic Virtual Machine Migration in a Vehicular Cloud," IEEE Intl. Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC)-4th Workshop on Management of Cloud Systems (MoCS) June 2014.

C56. M. G. Khair, B. Kantarci, H. T. Mouftah, "Delay Tolerant EPC-BGP for discovery services in EPCGlobal networks," IEEE Intl. Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC), Madeira, Portgual, June 2014

C55. B. Kantarci, H. T. Mouftah, "Reputation-based Sensing-as-a-Service for Crowd Management Over the Cloud," IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Sydney, Australia, June 2014.

C54 M. G. Khair, B. Kantarci, H. T. Mouftah, "Hybrid Threshold-Based Distributed Discovery Service for the EPCglobal Network," Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2014.

C53 B. Kantarci, H. T. Mouftah, "Minimum Outage Probability Provisioning in an Energy-efficient Cloud Backbone," in Proc. of IEEE GLOBECOM, Atlanta, Georgia, Dec. 2013.

C52. L. Foschini, B. Kantarci, A. Corradi, H. T. Mouftah, "Dynamic Cloud Management for Efficient Stream Processing," in Proc. IEEE Symp. On Computers and Communications (ISCC)-Workshop on Management of Cloud Systems, Split, Croatia, July 2013.

C51. B. Kantarci, H. T. Mouftah, "Economizing the operational costs of cloud services in an optical transport network," in Proc. 15th Int.'l Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON), Cartagena, Spain, June 2013 [Invited].

C50 N. Zaker, B. Kantarci, M. Erol-Kantarci, H. T. Mouftah, "'Quality-of-Service-Aware Fiber Wireless Sensor Network Gateway Design for the Smart Grid," IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) - Workshop on Optical-Wireless Integrated Technology for Systems and Networks, Budapest, Hungary, June 2013.

C49 B. Kantarci, H. T. Mouftah, "Time of Use (ToU)-Awareness with Inter-Data Center Workload Sharing in the Cloud Backbone," in Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Budapest, Hungary, June 2013.

C48 M. G. Khair, B. Kantarci, H. T. Mouftah, "Distributed Discovery Services via EPC-BGP for Mobile RFID," in Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Budapest, Hungary, June 2013.

C47. B. Kantarci, L. Foschini, A. Corradi, H. T. Mouftah, "Inter-and-Intra Data Center VM-Placement for Energy-Efficient Large-Scale Cloud Systems," in Proc. of IEEE GLOBECOM Workshop on Management and Security technologies for Cloud Computing, Anaheim, CA, USA, Dec. 2012

C46. N. Naas, B. Kantarci, H. T. Mouftah, "Multi-Granular Optical Transport Network Design with Dual Power State," in Proc. of IEEE GLOBECOM Workshop on Management of Emerging Networks and Services, Anaheim, CA, USA, Dec. 2012

C45. B. Kantarci, H. T. Mouftah, "The Impact of Time of Use (ToU)-Awareness in Energy andOpex Performance of a Cloud Backbone," in. Proc. of IEEE GLOBECOM, Anaheim, CA, USA, Dec, 2012.

C44. D. Tafani, B. Kantarci, H. T. Mouftah, C. McArdle, L. P. Barry, "Distributed Management of Energy-Efficient Lightpaths for Computational Grids," in. Proc. of IEEE GLOBECOM, Anaheim, CA, USA, Dec, 2012.

C43. D. Tafani, B. Kantarci, H. T. Mouftah, C. McArdle, L. P. Barry, "Energy-Efficient Lightpaths for Computational Grids," in. Proc. of Int'l. Conf. on Transparent Opt. Networks (ICTON), Coventry, U.K., July, 2012

C42. B. Kantarci, N. Naas, H. T. Mouftah, "Energy-efficient DBA and QoS in 'long-reach' FiWi networks", Int'l. Conf. on Transparent Opt. Networks (ICTON), Coventry, U.K., July, 2012 [Invited]

C41. N. Naas, B. Kantarci, H. T. Mouftah, "Energy-Efficient Realistic Design and Planning of Optical Backbone with Multi-Granular Switching," in. Proc. of Int'l. Conf. on Transparent Opt. Networks (ICTON), Coventry, U.K., July, 2012

C40. B. Kantarci, H. T. Mouftah, "Minimizing the Provisioning Delay in the Cloud Network: Benefits, Overheads and Challenges," Second Int'l Workshop on Management of Cloud Systems (MoCS) , Cappadoccia, TR, pp. 806-811, July, 2012.

C39. B. Kantarci, H. T. Mouftah, "Overcoming the Energy versus Delay Trade-off in Cloud Network Reconfiguration," IEEE Symp. on Computers and Communications (ISCC),Cappadoccia, TR, pp. 53-58, July, 2012.

C38. N. Naas, B. Kantarci, H. T. Mouftah, Greening the Multi-Granular Optical Transport Network Design under the Optical Reach Constraint", in IEEE Symp. on Computers and Communications (ISCC), Cappadoccia, TR, pp. 177-182, July 2012.

C37. B. Kantarci, H. T. Mouftah, "Optimal Reconfiguration of the Cloud Network for Maximum Energy Savings," in Proc. of IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Grid and Cloud Computing (CCGrid), pp. 835-840, May 2012, Ottawa, ON, Canada

C36. N. Naas, B. Kantarci, H. T. Mouftah, " Power and Cost Reduction in Optical Transport Networks by Multi-Granular Switching with Optical Reach Consideration", in Proc. of 26th Queen's Biennial Symposium on Communications, Kingston, ON, Canada, May, 2012.

C35. B. Kantarci, H. T. Mouftah, "Energy-Efficient Demand Provisioning in the Cloud", in Proc. of Optical Fiber Communication Conference and Exposition (OFC) and The National Fiber Optic Engineers Conference (NFOEC), March. 2012, Los Angeles, CA, USA.

C34.  B. Kantarci, H. T. Mouftah, "Energy-Efficient Cloud Services over Wavelength-Routed Optical Transport Networks", in Proc. of IEEE GLOBECOM- Sel. Areas in Communications Symp.- Green Communication Sys. and Network Track, pp. SAC06.6.1-SAC06.6.5, Dec. 2011, Houston, TX, USA.

C33. M. Erol-Kantarci, B. Kantarci, H. T. Mouftah, "Cost-Aware Smart Microgrid Network Design for a Sustainable Smart Grid", in Proc. of IEEE GLOBECOM- Workshop on Smart Grid Communications and Networks, pp. 1223-1227, Dec. 2011, Houston, TX, USA.

C32. B. Kantarci, H.T. Mouftah, "Energy versus Delay Trade-offs in Metro-Access Convergence", in Proc. of 8th International Symp. on High Capacity Optical Networks and Enabling Technologies (HONET), Dec. 2011, Riyadh, KSA

C31. N. Naas, B. Kantarci, H.T. Mouftah, "Design Considerations for Energy-Efficient Multi-Granular Optical Networks", in Proc. of 8th International Symp.on High Capacity Optical Networks and Enabling Technoogies (HONET), Dec. 2011, Riyadh, KSA .

C30. M. Khair, B. Kantarci, H. T. Mouftah, "Heterogeneous Clustering of Sensor Network", in Proc. of International Workshop on Emerging Technologies in Sensor Networks (EmSeNs). September 2011, pp. 939-944, Niagara Falls, Canada.

C29. B. Kantarci, H. T. Mouftah, "Towards Energy-efficient Hybrid Fiber-Wireless Access Networks", in Proc. of 13th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON), June 2011, Stockholm, Sweden [Invited].

C28. B. Kantarci, E. Al-Sukhni, J. H. Sarker, H. T. Mouftah, " Performance Analysis of SLA-Aware Connection Provisioning in Optical Networks", in Proc. of 13th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON), June 2011, Stockholm, Sweden.

C27. E. Al-Sukhni, B. Kantarci, J. H. Sarker, H. T. Mouftah, "Hybrid Markov Model for Availability-Guaranteed Connection Provisioning in Optical WDM Networks", in Proc. of 13th Int. Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON), June 2011, Stockholm, Sweden.

C26. B. Kantarci, H. T. Mouftah, "'Optimization models for reliable long-reach PON deployment", in Proc. of 16th IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC), June 2011, Corfu, Greece.

C25. M. Khair, B. Kantarci, H. T. Mouftah, "Towards Cellular IP Address Assignment in Wireless Heterogeneous Sensor Networks", in Proc. of 16th IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC), June 2011, Corfu, Greece.

C24. B. Kantarci, H. T. Mouftah, "Bandwidth Distribution with Adaptive Threshold-based Optical Burst Assembly in Long-Reach EPON", in Proc. of OSA Optics & Photonics Congress: Advanced Photonics, Access Networks and In-House Communications, ATuA4.1-ATuA4.2, June 2011, Toronto, ON, Canada

C23. B. Kantarci, H. T. Mouftah, "Reducing the Energy Consumption of the Reliable Design of IP/WDM Networks with Quality of Protection", in Proc. of 13th Photonics North Conference, May 2011, Ottawa, ON, Canada.

C22. B. Kantarci, M. Khair, H. T. Mouftah, "Power Saving Clusters for Energy-Efficient Design of Fiber-Wireless Access Networks", in Proc. of International Symposium on High Capacity Optical Networks and Enabling Technoogies (HONET), pp.73-78, December  2010, Cairo, Egypt

C21. B. Kantarci, H. T. Mouftah, "Greening the Availability Design of Optical WDM Networks", in Proc. of IEEE Globecom 2010 Workshop on Green Communications, pp.1417-1421, December  2010, Miami, FL, USA

C20. B. Kantarci, H. T. Mouftah, " Availability and Cost Constrained Fast Planning of Passive Optical Networks Under Various Survivability Policies", in Proc. of 35th Annual IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN), pp.264-267, Denver,USA, October, 2010.

C19. B. Kantarci, H. T. Mouftah, "On SLA Constraints in Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation for Long-Reach Passive Optical Networks", in Proc. of 12th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON), Germany, June, 2010 [Invited].

C18. B. Kantarci, H. T. Mouftah, "Reliable and Fast Restoration for a Survivable Wireless-Optical Broadband Access Network", in Proc. of 12th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON), Germany, June, 2010.

C17. B. Kantarci, H. T. Mouftah, "'Periodic GATE Optimization with QoS-Awareness for Long-Reach Passive Optical Networks", in Proc. of IEEE Symposium n Computers and Communications (ISCC), pp.879-884, Italy, June, 2010.

C16. A. Sancak, B. Kantarci, S. Oktug, "Class Based Availability Considerations in GMPLS Networks", in Proc. of IEEE Symp. on Computers and Comm.(ISCC), pp.375-380, Italy, June, 2010.

C15. B. Kantarci, H. T. Mouftah, "Periodic GATE Optimization (PGO) in Long-Reach Passive Optical Networks", in Proc. of 25th Queen's Biennial Symposium on Communications, pp. 230-233, Kingston, Canada, May, 2010.

C14. B. Kantarci, H. T. Mouftah, "SLA-Aware Protection Switching in Optical WDM Networks", in Proc. of 25th Queen's Biennial Symposium on Communications, pp. 213-216, Kingston, Canada, May, 2010.

C13. B. Kantarci, H. T. Mouftah, "On Geographical Placement of the ONUs in Survivable Passive Optical Networks for Long-Reach Access", in Proc of 10th INFORMS Telecommunications Conference, pp.156-158, Montreal, Canada, May 2010.

C12. B. Kantarci, S. Oktug, "Differentiated Availability-Constrained Connection Provisioning in Optical Networks", in Proc. of IEEE Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU), Antalya, Turkey, April 2009.

C11. B. Kantarci, H. T. Mouftah, S. Oktug, "Differentiated Availability-Aware Connection Provisioning in Optical Transport Networks", in 2008 Proc. of  IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), New Orleans, LA, USA, November, 2008.

C10. B. Kantarci, H. T. Mouftah, S. Oktug, "Availability Analysis and Connection Provisioning in Overlapping Shared Segment Protection for Optical Networks", in Proc. of International Symposium on Computer and Information Systems (ISCIS), Turkey, October, 2008.

C09. M. G. Khair, B. Kantarci, H. T. Mouftah, "Connection Provisioning Constrained to Fault Localization in All-optical Networks", in Proc. of International Symposium on Computer and Information Systems (ISCIS), Turkey, October, 2008.

C08. M. G. Khair, B. Kantarci, J. Zheng, H. T. Mouftah, "Performance Optimization for Fault Localization in All-Optical Networks", in Proc. of 5th Int. Conference on Broadband Communications, Networks, and Systems (BROADNETS), London, UK, Sep., 2008.

C07. B. Kantarci, H. T. Mouftah, S. Oktug, "Connection Provisioning with Feasible ShareabilityDetermination for Availability-Aware Design of Optical Networks", in Proc. of 10th Int. Conf. on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON), vol. 3, pp. 19-22, Athens, Greece, June, 2008.

C06. M. G. Khair, B. Kantarci, J. Zheng, H. T. Mouftah, "Optimization for minimizing fault localization time in all-optical networks", in 2008 Proc. of 10th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON), vol. 3, pp. 63-66, Athens, Greece, June, 2008.

C05. B. Kantarci, H. T. Mouftah, S. Oktug, "Arranging Shareability Dynamically for the Availability-Constrained Design of Optical Transport Networks", in Proc. of IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC), pp. 68-73, Marrakech, Morocco, July, 2008.

C04. B. Kantarci, S. Oktug, T. Altilar, "Prioritized Contention Resolution Scheme for Grid Services over OBS Networks", in Proc. of Sixth Annual Conference on Communication Networks and Services Research (CNSR), pp. 234-241, Halifax, NS, Canada, May, 2008.

C03. B. Kantarci, S. Oktug, T. Atmaca, "Burst Loss Rate: Is it precise enough?", in Proc. of Int. Symposium on Computer Networks (ISCN), Istanbul, Turkey, pp.173-178, June 2006.

C02. B. Kantarci, S. Oktug, "Adaptive Threshold Based Burst Assembly in OBS Networks", in Proc. of Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (CCECE), Ottawa, Canada,, pp.485-488, May 2006.

C01. B. Kantarci, S. Oktug, T. Atmaca, "Analyzing the Effects of Burst Assembly in Optical Burst Switching under Self-similar Traffic", in Proc. of Advanced Industrial Conference on Telecommunications (AICT), Lisbon, Portugal, pp.109-114, July 2005.

Book Chapters   

BC15. D. Cicek, M. Simsek, B. Kantarci, "AI-Driven Attack Modeling and Defense Strategies in Mobile Crowdsensing: A Special Case Study on Fake Tasks," In: Wu, J., Wang, E. (eds) Mobile Crowdsourcing. Wireless Networks. Springer, Cham, April 2023. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-32397-3_11, [bibtex]

BC14. C. Comert, O. M. Gul, M. Kulhandjian, A. Touazi, C. Ellement, B. Kantarci, C. D'Amours, "Secure Design of Cyber-Physical Systems at the Radio Frequency Level: Machine and Deep Learning-Driven Approaches, Challenges and Opportunities," In: Traore, I., Woungang, I., Saad, S. (eds) Artificial Intelligence for Cyber-Physical Systems Hardening. Engineering Cyber-Physical Systems and Critical Infrastructures, vol 2. Springer, Cham, Nov. 2022 DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-16237-4_6, [bibtex]

BC13. M. Simsek, A. Obinikpo, B. Kantarci, "Deep Learning in Smart Health: Methodologies, Applications, Challenges . A. El Saddik, S. Hossain, B. Kantarci, Connected Health in Smart Cities., Springer, 2020. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-27844-1_3, [bibtex]

BC12. X. Qi, B. Kantarci, C. Liu, "GPU-based acceleration of SDN controllers," Network-as-a-Service in Next Generation Internet, edited by. Q. Duan and S. Wang, IET, Chapter-14, 2017. DOI: 10.1049/PBTE073E_ch14, [bibtex]

BC11. M. Soyturk, K. N. Muhammad, M. N. Avcil, B. Kantarci, J. Matthews, "From Vehicular Networks to Vehicular Clouds in Smart Cities," Smart Cities and Homes, edited by. P. Nicopoliditis and M. Obaidat, Morgan Kaufmann, pp. 149-171, 2016. DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-12-803454-5.00008-0, [bibtex]

BC10 B. Kantarci, H. T. Mouftah, "Sensing as a Service in Cloud-Centric Internet of Things Architecture," Enabling Real-Time Mobile Cloud Computing through Emerging Technologies, edited by T. Soyata, IGI Global, Hershey, PA, pp. 83-115, 2015. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-8662-5.ch003, [bibtex]

BC09 A. Page, M. Hassanalieragh, T. Soyata, M. K. Aktas, B. Kantarci, S. Andreescu, "Conceptualizing a Real-time Remote Cardiac Health Monitoring System, " in Enabling Real-Time Mobile Cloud Computing through Emerging Technologies, edited by T. Soyata, IGI Global, Hershey, PA, pp. 1-34, 2015. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-0571-6.ch007, [bibtex]

BC08 B. Kantarci and H. T. Mouftah, "Inter-data center networks with minimum operational costs," Cloud Services, Networking, and Management, edited by N. Fonseca and R. Boutaba, Wiley-IEEE Press, pp. 105-128, April 2015. DOI: 10.1002/9781119042655.ch5, [bibtex]

BC07 B. Kantarci and H. T. Mouftah, "Energy-Efficient Machine-to-Machine Networks," in "Machine-To-Machine Communications: Architectures, Technology, Standards and Applications", edited by, J. Misic and V. Misic, Taylor & Francis, NY, ISBN: 978-1-46-656123-6, pp. 179-225, March 2014. DOI: 10.1201/b17141-11, [bibtex]

BC06 B. Kantarci and H. T. Mouftah, "Energy-efficiency in Cloud Data Centers," in "Communication Infrastructures for Cloud Computing," edited by H. T. Mouftah and B. Kantarci, IGI Global, Hershey, PA, pp. 241-263, Sep. 2013. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-4522-6.ch011, [bibtex]

BC05 D. Tafani, B. Kantarci, H. T. Mouftah, C. McArdle, L. P. Barry, "Towards Energy-Efficiency for Cloud Computing Services," in "Communication Infrastructures for Cloud Computing," edited by H. T. Mouftah and B. Kantarci, IGI Global, Hershey, PA, pp. 306-328, Sep. 2013. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-4522-6.ch014, [bibtex]

BC04. B. Kantarci and H. T. Mouftah, "Energy-efficient Design of a Cloud Computing Backbone," in "Communication Infrastructures for Cloud Computing," edited by H. T. Mouftah and B. Kantarci, IGI Global, Hershey, PA, pp. 283-305, Sep. 2013. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-6539-2.ch012, [bibtex]

BC03. H. T. Mouftah and B. Kantarci, "Energy-efficient Cloud Computing: A green migration of the traditional IT", in "Handbook on Green Information and Communication Systems", edited by M. S. Obaidat, A. Anpalagan and I. Woungang, Elsevier, 2012, pp.295-330. DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-12-415844-3.00011-5, [bibtex]

BC02. H. T. Mouftah and B. Kantarci, "Greening the Survivable Optical Networks: Solutions and Challenges for the Backbone and Access", "Energy-Aware Systems and Networking for Sustainable Initiatives", edited by W.C. Hu and N. Kaabouch, PA: IGI Global, 2012, pp. 256-286. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-1842-8.ch012, [bibtex]

BC01. H. T. Mouftah and B. Kantarci, "Robust Design and Management of Optical Networks: Incorporating Availability-Awareness", in Resilient Optical Network Design: Advances in Fault-Tolerant Methodologies, edited by Y. S. Kavian and M. S. Leeson, PA: IGI Global, pp. 195-226, Dec. 2011. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-61350-426-0.ch009, [bibtex]



Theses    (back) :

Ph.D Thesis: "Availability Constrained Routing and Wavelength Assignment and Survivability in Optical WDM Networks", Burak Kantarci, May 2009, Istanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, Computer Engineering Program. (Supervisors: Dr. Sema Oktug , ITU, and Dr. Hussein T. Mouftah, University of Ottawa).


M.Sc Thesis: "Performance Comparison and Traffic Analysis in Optical-Burst Switched Networks", Burak Kantarci, January 2005, Istanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, Computer Engineering Program.(Supervisor: Dr. Sema Oktug, ITU)






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