/trunk/seg.jUCMNav Developers: jmcmanus

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Total Commits:
131 (0.9%)
Lines of Code:
3,780 (0.4%)
Most Recent Commit:
2005-07-12 23:19
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Activity by Clock Time

Activity by Hour of Day for jmcmanus

Activity by Day of Week for jmcmanus

Activity in Directories

Directory Changes Lines of Code Lines per Change
Totals 131 (100.0%) 3780 (100.0%) 28.8
src/seg/jUCMNav/editparts/ 37 (28.2%) 885 (23.4%) 23.9
src/seg/jUCMNav/tests/progress/ 1 (0.8%) 692 (18.3%) 692.0
src/seg/jUCMNav/figures/ 24 (18.3%) 457 (12.1%) 19.0
src/seg/jUCMNav/model/commands/ 6 (4.6%) 297 (7.9%) 49.5
src/seg/jUCMNav/model/commands/create/ 7 (5.3%) 281 (7.4%) 40.1
src/seg/jUCMNav/actions/ 10 (7.6%) 258 (6.8%) 25.8
src/seg/jUCMNav/model/commands/delete/ 3 (2.3%) 222 (5.9%) 74.0
src/seg/jUCMNav/model/commands/changeConstraints/ 4 (3.1%) 138 (3.7%) 34.5
src/seg/jUCMNav/editpolicies/ 4 (3.1%) 119 (3.1%) 29.7
src/seg/jUCMNav/editpolicies/layout/ 8 (6.1%) 67 (1.8%) 8.3
src/ucm/map/impl/ 1 (0.8%) 60 (1.6%) 60.0
src/seg/jUCMNav/tests/commands/ 1 (0.8%) 60 (1.6%) 60.0
src/seg/jUCMNav/figures/util/ 2 (1.5%) 57 (1.5%) 28.5
src/seg/jUCMNav/editpolicies/element/ 3 (2.3%) 56 (1.5%) 18.6
/ 1 (0.8%) 41 (1.1%) 41.0
src/ucm/map/ 2 (1.5%) 28 (0.7%) 14.0
src/seg/jUCMNav/figures/router/ 2 (1.5%) 16 (0.4%) 8.0
src/seg/jUCMNav/model/ 4 (3.1%) 15 (0.4%) 3.7
src/seg/jUCMNav/editors/ 2 (1.5%) 11 (0.3%) 5.5
src/seg/jUCMNav/editors/actionContributors/ 4 (3.1%) 10 (0.3%) 2.5
src/seg/jUCMNav/editors/palette/ 1 (0.8%) 7 (0.2%) 7.0
src/seg/jUCMNav/model/commands/transformations/ 1 (0.8%) 3 (0.1%) 3.0
src/seg/jUCMNav/icons/ 2 (1.5%) 0 (0.0%) 0.0
src/seg/jUCMNav/editpolicies/directEdit/ 1 (0.8%) 0 (0.0%) 0.0

Activity of jmcmanus

Most Recent Commits

jmcmanus 2005-07-12 23:19 Rev.: 471

Auto generated help.xml; too will be available on twiki.

41 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • help.xml (+41 -26)
jmcmanus 2005-06-18 23:14 Rev.: 393

Added some headers to classes in the EditPart package.

15 lines of code changed in 7 files:

  • src/seg/jUCMNav/editparts: ConditionEditPart.java (+2), ConnectionOnBottomRootEditPart.java (+1 -1), GraphicalEditPartFactory.java (+3 -1), LabelEditPart.java (+1 -1), ModelElementEditPart.java (+3), NodeConnectionEditPart.java (+2), PathNodeEditPart.java (+3)
jmcmanus 2005-06-05 23:59 Rev.: 296

Updated behavior for displaying conditions (will only be displayed if there is a label to display)

48 lines of code changed in 8 files:

  • src/seg/jUCMNav/actions: AddConditionAction.java (del)
  • src/seg/jUCMNav/editors/actionContributors: ActionRegistryManager.java (-5), UcmContextMenuProvider.java (-5)
  • src/seg/jUCMNav/editparts: LabelEditPart.java (+8 -1)
  • src/seg/jUCMNav/model: ModelCreationFactory.java (+1 -1)
  • src/seg/jUCMNav/model/commands/create: AddForkOnConnectionCommand.java (+20 -1), AddForkOnEmptyPointCommand.java (+19), CreateConditionCommand.java (-3)
jmcmanus 2005-06-02 21:58 Rev.: 285

Can now add Conditions on NodeConnections. Few bugs: delete is broken and need a ChangeNameCommand for direct editting.

788 lines of code changed in 14 files:

  • src/seg/jUCMNav/actions: AddConditionAction.java (new 77)
  • src/seg/jUCMNav/editors/actionContributors: ActionRegistryManager.java (+5), UcmContextMenuProvider.java (+5)
  • src/seg/jUCMNav/editparts: ConditionEditPart.java (new 234), GraphicalEditPartFactory.java (+3), MapAndPathGraphEditPart.java (+16 -5), NodeConnectionEditPart.java (+79)
  • src/seg/jUCMNav/editpolicies/element: ConditionComponentEditPolicy.java (new 40)
  • src/seg/jUCMNav/editpolicies/layout: MapAndPathGraphXYLayoutEditPolicy.java (+25)
  • src/seg/jUCMNav/figures/router: BSplineConnectionRouter.java (+11)
  • src/seg/jUCMNav/model: ModelCreationFactory.java (+3)
  • src/seg/jUCMNav/model/commands/changeConstraints: ConditionSetConstraintCommand.java (new 89)
  • src/seg/jUCMNav/model/commands/create: CreateConditionCommand.java (new 112)
  • src/seg/jUCMNav/model/commands/delete: DeleteConditionCommand.java (new 89)
jmcmanus 2005-05-26 00:06 Rev.: 231

Stubs no longer rotate, andforks now rotate (anchors ned to be set up with connection router to prevent overlapping of figure with splines).
Added DirectionArrow, andforks

145 lines of code changed in 12 files:

  • src/seg/jUCMNav/editors/palette: UcmPaletteRoot.java (+7)
  • src/seg/jUCMNav/editparts: GraphicalEditPartFactory.java (+3), PathNodeEditPart.java (+7 -6)
  • src/seg/jUCMNav/editpolicies/layout: NodeConnectionXYLayoutEditPolicy.java (+2 -1)
  • src/seg/jUCMNav/figures: AndForkFigure.java (+37 -29), DirectionArrowFigure.java (new 84), EndPointFigure.java (+1 -1), ResponsibilityFigure.java (-9), StubFigure.java (+1 -18)
  • src/seg/jUCMNav/icons: DirectionArrow16.gif (new), DirectionArrow24.gif (new)
  • src/seg/jUCMNav/model: ModelCreationFactory.java (+3)
jmcmanus 2005-05-24 22:58 Rev.: 217

Stubs and Responsabilities now rotate with spline.

110 lines of code changed in 6 files:

  • src/seg/jUCMNav/editparts: PathNodeEditPart.java (+9 -6)
  • src/seg/jUCMNav/figures: EndPointFigure.java (+1 -11), ResponsibilityFigure.java (+57 -39), Rotateable.java (new 15), StubFigure.java (+23 -6)
  • src/seg/jUCMNav/figures/router: BSplineConnectionRouter.java (+5 -8)
jmcmanus 2005-05-24 18:26 Rev.: 213

Better handling of end point rotation using ET's Polygon figure.

36 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • src/seg/jUCMNav/editparts: PathNodeEditPart.java (+1 -3)
  • src/seg/jUCMNav/figures: EndPointFigure.java (+35 -24)
jmcmanus 2005-05-20 15:12 Rev.: 193

Added logic for end point rotation. Right now there is a notification problem and the PathNodeEditPart does not get notified when the spline is modified.

53 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • src/seg/jUCMNav/editparts: PathNodeEditPart.java (+30 -3)
  • src/seg/jUCMNav/figures: EndPointFigure.java (+23 -14)
jmcmanus 2005-05-17 17:40 Rev.: 158

Fixed Label positionning for all figures.

43 lines of code changed in 7 files:

  • src/seg/jUCMNav/figures: AndForkFigure.java (+6), EmptyPointFigure.java (+9 -2), EndPointFigure.java (+2 -3), OrForkFigure.java (+9 -2), PathNodeFigure.java (+2 -2), ResponsibilityFigure.java (+1 -1)
  • src/seg/jUCMNav/figures/util: JUCMNavFigure.java (+14 -2)
jmcmanus 2005-05-16 21:34 Rev.: 154

minor fix for component labels (default position was to low by height of label)

2 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • src/seg/jUCMNav/editparts: LabelEditPart.java (+1 -1)
  • src/seg/jUCMNav/editpolicies/layout: MapAndPathGraphXYLayoutEditPolicy.java (+1 -1)
jmcmanus 2005-05-16 21:29 Rev.: 153

Added static final default width/height to some figures, added a utility class to centralise access to the default sizes.
Labels created by default now appear at correct place (give or take a few pixels in some cases).

100 lines of code changed in 9 files:

  • src/seg/jUCMNav/actions: AddLabelAction.java (+2)
  • src/seg/jUCMNav/editparts: LabelEditPart.java (+4 -1)
  • src/seg/jUCMNav/editpolicies/layout: MapAndPathGraphXYLayoutEditPolicy.java (+4 -1)
  • src/seg/jUCMNav/figures: EndPointFigure.java (+10 -1), PathNodeFigure.java (+11 -1), ResponsibilityFigure.java (+7 -1), StartPointFigure.java (+10 -1), StubFigure.java (+9 -1)
  • src/seg/jUCMNav/figures/util: JUCMNavFigure.java (new 43)
jmcmanus 2005-05-13 07:34 Rev.: 138

Labels now appear at correct place (maybe not for ComponentLabels).
Fixed a bug where LabelSetConstraintCommand did not implement JUCMNavCommand.
Implemented the command tests for labels.
Removed editpolicies.directedit and ChangeLabelNameCommand (these where committed accidently by me).

116 lines of code changed in 7 files:

  • src/seg/jUCMNav/actions: AddLabelAction.java (+4 -7)
  • src/seg/jUCMNav/editparts: LabelEditPart.java (+6 -14)
  • src/seg/jUCMNav/editpolicies/directEdit: LabelDirectEditPolicy.java (del)
  • src/seg/jUCMNav/model/commands/changeConstraints: LabelSetConstraintCommand.java (+30 -1)
  • src/seg/jUCMNav/model/commands/create: CreateLabelCommand.java (+13 -12)
  • src/seg/jUCMNav/model/commands/transformations: ChangeLabelNameCommand.java (del)
  • src/seg/jUCMNav/tests/commands: JUCMNavCommandTests.java (+60 -6)
jmcmanus 2005-05-09 00:09 Rev.: 115

Fixed a bug where ComponentLabel textwasn't getting updated properly.

13 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • src/seg/jUCMNav/editparts: LabelEditPart.java (+13 -7)
jmcmanus 2005-05-08 13:02 Rev.: 113

Fixed a bug where component labels did not move correctly.

1 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • src/seg/jUCMNav/editpolicies/layout: MapAndPathGraphXYLayoutEditPolicy.java (+1 -1)
jmcmanus 2005-05-08 12:41 Rev.: 112

Labels for ComponentRefs added. Changed most of the old Label logic.

250 lines of code changed in 10 files:

  • src/seg/jUCMNav/actions: AddLabelAction.java (+16 -3)
  • src/seg/jUCMNav/editparts: GraphicalEditPartFactory.java (+3 -3), LabelEditPart.java (+63 -47), MapAndPathGraphEditPart.java (+34 -8)
  • src/seg/jUCMNav/editpolicies/element: LabelComponentEditPolicy.java (+6 -10)
  • src/seg/jUCMNav/editpolicies/layout: MapAndPathGraphXYLayoutEditPolicy.java (+25 -11)
  • src/seg/jUCMNav/model: ModelCreationFactory.java (+8)
  • src/seg/jUCMNav/model/commands/changeConstraints: LabelSetConstraintCommand.java (+6 -6)
  • src/seg/jUCMNav/model/commands/create: CreateLabelCommand.java (+45 -33)
  • src/seg/jUCMNav/model/commands/delete: DeleteLabelCommand.java (+44 -16)
jmcmanus 2005-05-03 13:03 Rev.: 94

Labels can now be deleted

108 lines of code changed in 3 files:

  • src/seg/jUCMNav/editparts: LabelEditPart.java (+9 -8)
  • src/seg/jUCMNav/editpolicies/element: LabelComponentEditPolicy.java (+10 -1)
  • src/seg/jUCMNav/model/commands/delete: DeleteLabelCommand.java (new 89)
jmcmanus 2005-05-03 09:17 Rev.: 93

Fixed a bug where labels would move too much when you moved the label and the path node together

20 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • src/seg/jUCMNav/editparts: LabelEditPart.java (+12)
  • src/seg/jUCMNav/editpolicies/layout: MapAndPathGraphXYLayoutEditPolicy.java (+8 -2)
jmcmanus 2005-05-02 19:10 Rev.: 91

Tweaked label appearance. Fixed Bug 205

105 lines of code changed in 3 files:

  • src/seg/jUCMNav/actions: AddLabelAction.java (+7 -1)
  • src/seg/jUCMNav/editparts: LabelEditPart.java (+26 -15)
  • src/seg/jUCMNav/model/commands/create: CreateLabelCommand.java (+72 -12)
jmcmanus 2005-05-02 16:17 Rev.: 90

bug 189 fixed for LabelSetConstraintsCommand

17 lines of code changed in 3 files:

  • src/seg/jUCMNav/editparts: LabelEditPart.java (+3 -3)
  • src/seg/jUCMNav/editpolicies/layout: MapAndPathGraphXYLayoutEditPolicy.java (+1 -1)
  • src/seg/jUCMNav/model/commands/changeConstraints: LabelSetConstraintCommand.java (+13 -10)
jmcmanus 2005-04-27 21:03 Rev.: 88

Generated commented code for tests

692 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • src/seg/jUCMNav/tests/progress: ProgressTests.java (+692)

(4 more)

Generated by StatSVN 0.7.0