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gaseous element comparison table
Subject has pronunciation has stable isotope has thermal neutron capture cross section has synonym has isotope mass range has heat of vaporization has discoverer has thermal conductivity has discovery date has occurrence has name origin has heat of fusion has specimen has main mining area has critical pressure has daily dietary intake has lethal intake has ocean residence time has mineral has melting point has neutron scattering length has image has ocean concentration has covalent radii has term symbol has crystal cell dimension has mass of element in person has reserve has ocean oxidation state is a kind of has heat capacity has van der Waals radii has Spanish translation has molar volume has definition has boiling point has hazard has biological role has ionic radii has French translation has relative atomic mass has chief source has electron affinity has registry number has density has atomic radii has atomic number has synthesis mechanism has mass magnetic susceptibility has discovery location has number of isotope has toxic intake has abundance has Italian translation has heat of sublimation has atomic emission line reacts with has triple point temperature has longest lived isotope has symbol has use has world production has electron configuration has number of proton has German translation has mass absorption coefficient has level in human has electronegativity has critical temperature has group
chlorineklor-een 35.5 barnsgroup VII element31 to 4120.4033 kJ mol-1C.W. Scheele0.0089 W m-1 K-1 for gas at 300 K1774in silicate materials such as igneous rockschloros = pale green from Greek6.41 kJ mol-1Cl2 in small pressurized canisters. Danger!vast deposits in USA, Poland, Russia, Germany, China, India, Australia7700 kPa3.00 - 6.50 gCl2 inhalation 500 p.p.m. for 5 minutes for humans4 × 108 yearshalite, carnallite, sylvite172.17 K0.95770 × 10-12 cmdepth indenpendent99 pm2P3/2 in ground statea = 856, c = 612 pm95 g for a 70 kg average person> 1 × 1013 tonnes-Iaccumulating oceanic element21.840 J K-1 mol-1 for atomic gas at constant pressure 0.1 MPa at 298.15 K181 pm 17.46 cm3 for solid at 113 Kyellow-green, dense, sharp-smelling gas (Cl2) which is a key industrial chemical239.18 KCl2 50 p.p.m. is dangerous even in short doseschloride, Cl-, is essential to many species, including humans181 pm for Cl- 35.4527 in units of 12C = 12.000halite (rock salt)349.0 kJ mol-1 from Cl to Cl-7782-50-5 for Chemical Abstracts System database3.214 kg m-3 for gas at 273 K 17electrolysis of sodium chloride solution-7.2 × 10-9 kg-1 m3 for gasUppsala, Sweden13 including nuclear isomersCl2 is very toxic affecting the eyes and lungs at 3 p.p.m. in air; chloride is non-toxic18000 p.p.m. in seawater  858.597 nm for Cl I  chlorine 35ClPVC168 × 106[Ne]3s23p5 in ground state17 11.4 cm2 g-1 for MoKα X-ray diffraction2000 - 5200 p.p.m. chloride in muscle3.16 Pauling417 K17
fluorinefloor-een 0.0096 barnsgroup VII element17 to 236.548 kJ mol-1H. Moissan0.0279 W m-1 K-1 at 300 K1886 (isolated)oceanfluere = to flow from Latin5.10 kJ mol-1not available for sale as pure gas because it is too reactive and dangerousCanada, USA, UK, Russia, Mexico, Italy5573 kPa0.3 - 0.5 mg5 - 25 g NaF400000 yearsapatite, cryolite, fluorite53.53 K0.5654 × 10-12 cmdepth indenpendent58 pm2P3/2 in ground statea = 667 pm for β-F22.6 g for a 70 kg average person123 × 106 tonnes-Iaccumulating oceanic element22.744 J K-1 mol-1 for atomic gas at constant pressure 0.1 MPa at 298.15 K135 pm 18.05 cm3pale yellow gas (F2) which is the most reactive of all the elements, and is the strongest oxidizing agent85.01 Korganic fluorides are often quite harmlessessential in trace quantities for mammals, including humans, in the form of fluoride (F-)133 pm for F- 18.9984032 in units of 12C = 12.000fluorite328 kJ mol-1 from F to F-7782-41-4 for Chemical Abstracts System database1.696 kg m-3 for gas at 273 K70.9 pm9electrolysis of molten KF·2HF Paris, France7 including nuclear isomers250 mg NaF0.4 × 10-4 p.p.m. in deep Pacific seawater  712.789 nm for F Ialmost everything violently fluorine 19FAlF3 in aluminium production4.7 × 106 tonnes year-1 for fluorite (CaF2)[He]2s22p5 in ground state9 1.80 cm2 g-1 for MoKalpha X-ray diffraction0.05 p.p.m. in muscle3.98 Pauling144.3 K17
hydrogenhy-dro-jenhydrogen 1, deuterium0.3326 barnsatom1 to 30.46 kJ mol-1H. Cavendish0.1815 W m-1 K-1 at 300 K for gas1766atmosphere of a planet or asteroidhydro genes = water forming from Greek0.12 kJ mol-1small pressurized canisters. Warning ! 1297 kPamainly as waternon-toxicunknownwater14.01 K-0.37390 × 10-12 cmunknown30 pm2S1/2 in ground state 7 kg for a 70 kg average personalmost limitlessIunclassified oceanic element20.784 J K-1 mol-1 for atomic gas at constant pressure 0.1 MPa at 298.15 K120 pmhidrogeno13.26 cm3 20.28 Kflammable and explosive when mixed with air; can asphyxiate if it excludes oxygen from lungsconstituent element of DNA. Component of water, essential to life.154 pm for H-hydrogene1.00794 in units of 12C = 12.000natural methane gas72.8 kJ mol-1 from H to H-1333-74-0 for Chemical Abstracts System database0.08988 for gas at 273 K78 pm1steam flowing over red hot coke produces H2 and CO (minor production mechanism)-2.50 × 10-8 kg-1 m3 for gasLondon, England3non-toxicmain constituent of water; some dissolved H2 in seawateridrogeno 1875.10 nm for H Iair explosively13.96 K at 7.2 kPahydrogen 1Hmaking ammonia, cyclohexane, methanol, etc.350 × 109 m3 year-1 as H2 gas1s1 in ground state1Wasserstoff0.380 cm2 g-1 for MoKα X-ray diffraction93000 p.p.m. in muscle2.20 Pauling33.35 K 
inert gas   noble gas     atmosphere of a planet or asteroid                   atmophile element                                       18
nitrogenniy-troh-jen 1.91 barnspnictogen12 to 185.577 kJ mol-1D. Rutherford0.02598 W m-1 K-1 at 300 K for gas1772atmosphere of a planet or asteroidnitron genes = nitre forming (potassium nitrate) from Greek0.720 kJ mol-1small pressurized canisters. Safe. 3394 kPahigh 6000 yearsnitratine, nitrammite, nitrobarite, nitrocalcite and nitromagnesite63.29 K0.936 × 10-12 cmincreasing with depth70 pm for single bond4S3/2 in ground statea = pm1.8 kg for a 70 kg average person× 10 tonnesVrecycled oceanic element20.786 J K-1 mol-1 for atomic gas at constant pressure 0.1 MPa at 298.15 K154 pm 12.65 cm3colourless, odourless gas (N2)77.4 Kharmless gas, but it could asphyxiate if it excluded oxygen from the lungsconstituent element of DNA and amino acids; nitrogen cycle in nature  14.00674 in units of 12C = 12.000liquified air-7 kJ mol-1 from N to N-7727-37-9 for Chemical Abstracts System database1.2506 kg m-3 for gas at 273 K71 pm7liquifaction of air-5.4 × 10-9 kg-1 m3 for gasEdinburgh, Scotland, UK8 including nuclear isomersnon-toxic as N2 gas but NO2, HCN and NH3 are toxicp.p.m. in seawater  1246.962 nm for N Igeneraly unreactive at normal temperatures nitrogen 14Nfertilizers, acids (HNO3), explosives, plastics and dyes44 × 106 tonnes year-1[He]2s22p3 in ground state7 0.916 cm2 g-1 for MoKα X-ray diffraction72000 p.p.m. in muscle3.04 Pauling126.05 K15
oxygenoksi-jen 0.00019 barnschalcogen13 to 206.82 kJ mol-1J. Priestley, C.W. Sheele0.2674 W m-1 K-1 at 300 K1774atmosphere of a planet or asteroidoxy genes = acid forming from Greek0.444 kJ mol-1small pressurized canisters. Safe, but be aware of possible dangers. 5043 kPamainly as water4800 p.p.m. for 4 hours inhaled ozone (O3)unknownoxides, silicates, carbonates, phosphates, sulfates also occurs as gas in atmosphere and as water54.8 K0.5803 × 10-12 cmunknown66 pm for single bond3P2 in ground statea = pm43 kg for a 70 kg average person, mainly as water1.2 × 1015 tonnes in atmosphere unclassified oceanic element21.912 J K-1 mol-1 for atomic gas at constant pressure 0.1 MPa at 298.15 K140 pm 8.00 cm3 at 54 Kcolourless, odourless gas (O2) which is very reactive90.188 KO2 within a few percent of its natural concentration in air is harmless, but too little and it cannot sustain life, too much and it can cause pulmonary changes and teratogenic effects and is a fire hazard.constituent element of DNA and of most other biologically important compounds132 pm for O2- 15.9994 in units of 12C = 12.000liquid air141 kJ mol-1 from O to O-7782-44-7 for Chemical Abstracts System database1.429 kg m-3 for gas at 273 Kpm8 +1.355 × 10-6 kg-1 m3 for gasLeeds, England and Uppsala, Sweeden8 including nuclear isomersnon-toxic as O2, but toxic as ozone (O3)constituent element of water kJ mol-1844.676 nm for O Iall other elements except He, Ne, Ar and Kr oxygen 16Osteel-making, metal-cutting, the chemical industry and in medical treatment1 × 108[He]2s22p4 in ground state8 1.31 cm2 g-1 for MoKα X-ray diffraction160000 p.p.m. in muscle3.44 Pauling154.58 K16

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