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nonmetallic element |
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Kinds of nonmetallic element :
- carbon
(5 kinds, 158 facts) (C, 3P0 in ground state) - pure forms occur as graphite, diamond and buckminsterfullerene C60
- halogen (16 kinds, 314 facts) (group VII element)
- hydrogen
(3 kinds, 153 facts) (H, 2S1/2 in ground state) - Colourless, odourless gas, insuluable in water. Lightest, most abundant element in the Universe. Its atom comprises one proton and one electron. The element occurs both in stars and as interstellar clouds, in regions where it may be neutral (H I regions) or ionized (H II regions). It was produced by the big bang. Hydrogen 1 is the most common isotope; deuterium, is rarer; and tritium, is radioactive.,
- inert gas (23 kinds, 395 facts) (group VIII element, noble gas)
- nitrogen
(5 kinds, 134 facts) (N, 4S3/2 in ground state) - colourless, odourless gas (N2)
- nonmetal
- oxygen
(5 kinds, 125 facts) (O, 3P2 in ground state) - colourless, odourless gas (O2) which is very reactive
- phosphorus
(4 kinds, 135 facts) (P, 4S3/2 in ground state) - soft and flammable white solid, the red form is usually non-flammable
- selenium
(7 facts)
- sulfur
(7 kinds, 150 facts) (S, 3P2 in ground state) - the α-S8 orthorhombic form of sulfur is yellow
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