superstring theory | has definition String theory that incorporates supersymmetry. |  |
has definition A new type of theory in physics that unifies all the forces of nature, including the gravitational force, and that may be capable of explaining all of the fundamental laws and particles of nature. In superstring theories, the basic constituent of matter is a 1-dimensional structure, called a string, rather than a point-particle structure. According to superstring theory, space has more than 3 dimensions. |  |
has definition A proposal for the ultimate laws of nature, a "theory of everything," stemming primarily from discoveries in the mid 1980's. The fundamental entity in this theory is an ultramicroscopic string-like object, with a length of typically 10-33 centimeters and effectively zero thickness. At present our understanding of string theory is very limited. The simplest predictions of superstring theory concern processes at the Planck energy, and so far very little is known about the consequences of string theory at lower energies. |  |
is a kind of string theory |  |
theory | has validity correct or incorrect with caveats |  |
has author or reasearch group |  |
has domain a field of research |  |
has date or a range of dates for which the theory was active |  |