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final class comparison table
Subject have syntax rule add is an instance of declare protect is a subtopic of name after access see also extend provide place in represent inherit contain have purpose have access mode have example instantiate you implement import from order be a descendant of define specify by have access modifier specify you use use override have syntax have benefit be a member of have have part be
String class
bold = mandatory
italic = non-terminal
normal font = optional
0 or more methods to the methods it inherits from its superclassfinal classa list of variables, called instance variables, corresponding to data that will be present in each instanceits members from access by other classes or objects using an access modifierVariables and Data Typesthe internals of a computer system such as 'Record', 'Table', 'Data', 'Structure', or 'Information'any public class in other packagesstringonly one superclassimplementation for all its instance methods unless the class is abstractits own source fileseveral similar objectsbehaviour from its superclassdata associated with each objectto increase system security by preventing system subversion 
public class HelloWorld {
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("Hello World!");
create an instance of itmore than one interfacea packageelements as follows:
  1. class variables
  2. instance variables
  3. constructors
  4. the most important public methods
  5. methods that are simply used to access variables
  6. private methods
Object classa class type whose instances are the values of the class type1 class definitionthe keyword final before the keyword class in the class declarationzero-based indexingmethods that are inherited from the class's superclass
class classname
{ // declarations of variables
// declarations of constructors
// declarations of other methods with public ones first
1 named package rather than the default packagespecificationconstructorabstract

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