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syntactic unit > statement > control flow statement > continue statement > labelled continue statement
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labelled continue statement comparison table
Subject have example continue at is a kind of
continue statement  control flow statement
labelled continue statement
public int indexOf(String str, int fromIndex) { 
char[] v1 = value;
char[] v2 = str.value;
int max = offset + (count - str.count);
for (int i = offset + ((fromIndex < 0) ? 0 : fromIndex); i <= max ; i++) {
int n = str.count;
int j = i;
int k = str.offset;
while (n-- != 0) {
if (v1[j++] != v2[k++]) {
continue test;
} return i - offset;
} return -1;
the next iteration of the labeled loopcontinue statement

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