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mechanism comparison table
Subject consider make be is a synonym of is a subtopic of have advantages have example perform by have purpose have benefit take care of suggest by has definition occur automatically force by get power from allow exist see also
abstraction mechanism     Object Oriented Programming Concepts              
casting     Objects 
 to convert an instance of one data type into another which is a subclass of the original type   The process of producing a new value that has a different type than its source      
garbage collection    Garbage Collection  Java automatically  memory management automaticallythe programmerA mechanism which checks for objects that are no longer reachable from any executable code and reclaims the space used by them the programmer    
information hiding     Object Oriented Programming Concepts      Hiding details so as to reduce complexity      
inheritance     Inheritance
  • it parallels natural categories
  • it prevents avoidable duplication and simplifies maintenance
  • it avoids introducing bugs into previously debugged code
  code reuse   The possession by one class of elements defined in another class, by virtue of the fact that the former class is defined to be a subclass of (to extend) the latteronce you have defined which classes are superclasses and which classes are their subclasses     
method name overloading the return type when differentiating between overloaded methodsit possible for methods to behave differently depending on the arguments they receive method overloadingMethods 
// Two methods have the same name and the same number of parameters
// but different parameter types

public String eats(Cat aCat) {
return "mice";

public String eats(Dog aDog) {
return "bones";
     A mechanism that allows several methods to have the same name as long as they have different method signatures      
multithreading     Threads    it improves the interactive performance of graphical applications for the user  A mechanism that provides support for multiple threads of execution to run concurrently within a program without interfering with each other     thread
object serialization     Object Serialization       The ability to write the complete state of an object (including any objects it refers to) to an output stream, and then recreate that object at some later time by reading its serialized state from an input stream      
operator overloading     Operators           by the programmer in Java although Java contains built-in overloaded operators  
polymorphism   one of the fundamental features of the object oriented paradigm Object Oriented Programming Concepts       The ability to use the same syntax for objects of different types  dynamic binding when several classes which each implement the operation either have a common superclass in which the operation exists, or else implement an interface that contains the operation 
recursion     Methods       A mechanism in which a method calls itself      
synchronization     Threads   to avoid problems that can arise when two threads can both modify the same object at the same time   A mechanism to guarantee that only one thread can access an object at a time     synchronized

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