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subject > criterion > quality > software quality > external software quality > efficiency
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efficiencyhas definition The extent to which a product or process can operate using the fewest possible resources2001-08-30 14:55:26.0
is important to customers in order to reduce their costs of running the software2001-08-30 14:55:26.0
is a subtopic of 1.5 - Software Quality2001-08-30 14:55:26.0
is constrained by software architecture2001-08-30 14:55:26.0
is a kind of external software quality2001-08-30 14:55:26.0
is a kind of measurement2001-08-30 14:55:26.0
measures how much CPU-time, memory, disk-space, network bandwidth or other resources software uses2001-08-30 14:55:26.0
external software qualitycan be observed by stakeholders2001-08-30 14:55:34.0
has a direct impact on stakeholders2001-08-30 14:55:34.0

Kinds of efficiency :