project manager | a mentor | all necessary communication between team members | software development team | 11.1 - What is Project Management? | that developing reusable components will normally simplify the resulting design, independently of whether reuse actually occurs | everybody's opinion | to please the customer or sell the most software, while spending the least money | cost estimation skills so as to account for the kinds of problems that may occur | training courses | employees | the vicious circle of software reuse exists and costs money - in order to save money in the longer term, an investment in reusable code is justified | how to run effective meetings | how the plans need to change, and takes action to keep the project on track | when they deliver product, not on its quality level | project information is readily available for browsing, e.g. using an Intranet web site | the ultimate legal responsibility for declaring that proper engineering practice has been followed, and that the manager believes the resulting system will be safe | cost estimate on | that everybody's proposed responsibility is clearly expressed | people who are not performing adequately | subordinates and contractors | the organization that is developing the software | people have the requisite security clearance | development manager | software that sells more and pleases customers while costing less to develop and maintain | contracts | high-level decisions about requirements and design | customers and higher-level managers what they need or want to know | software developer for developing reusable components | people feedback to help them improve their work | people solve problems by leading discussions | - Deciding what needs to be done
- Estimating costs
- Ensuring there are suitable people to undertake the project
- Defining responsibilities
- Scheduling
- Making arrangements for the work
- Directing
- Being a technical leader
- Reviewing and approving decisions made by others
- Building morale and supporting staff
- Monitoring and controlling
- Co-ordinating the work with managers of other projects
- Reporting
- Continually striving to improve the process
| an iterative approach | a close relationship with other members of the team so that he or she is more keenly aware at all times about the progress achieved, and the potential risks | work schedule | stakeholder | communication between team members | employees resolve inter-personal conflicts | small details of the project | office space | time to re-engineer part or all of the system periodically | the overall processes that will be followed | a realistic assessment of the resources available when determining the requirements and the project plan | cost-benefit analysis to choose among alternatives | project management | customers to determine their problem and the scope of the project | education in business administration | the paperwork involved in hiring or subcontracting | The person responsible for performing project management tasks | the cost of the system which involves studying the requirements and determining how much effort they will take to design and implement | realistic in initial requirements gathering |