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chief programmer team | | the chief programmer leads and guides the project; however he consults with, and relies on, individual specialists | | A team structure midway between a hierarchical team and an egoless team, in which a chief programmer leads and guides the project, in consultation with experts in various specialties | | like a surgical team | | | |
egoless team | | decisions are made by consensus | everybody communicates with everybody else | A team structure in which everybody is equal, decisions are made by consensus, and the team works together to achieve a common goal | it may run into trouble if personal conflicts arise | dependent on the personalities of the individuals | (n2-n)/2 communication channels | creative solutions since group members spontaneously get together to solve problems when they arise | difficult projects with many technical challenges |
hierarchical team | important information will not be communicated | | | A rigid team structure in which each individual reports to a manager and is responsible for performing the tasks delegated by that manager | since everybody is responsible only for their own work, problems may go unnoticed | like the military or a large bureaucratic organization | n-1 communication channels | | large projects with a strict schedule and where everybody is well-trained and has a well-defined role |