designer | several evaluators to independently perform heuristic evaluations | | 1.7 - Activities Common to Software Projects | | | | | | | the set of use cases is complete and that they are expressed consistently and unambiguously | design decision | | | | | | software developer | | the use of obscure features of technology because later versions of the technology might be changed in ways that are incompatible with how you have used it or the producer of the technology might go out of business or withdraw it from the market | | | cost-benefit analysis to choose among alternatives | cost estimation | a programmer |
user interface designer | user's opinions | users by both asking their opinions and evaluating how they use prototypes | 7.4 - The Basics of User Interface Design | a skilled writer to write the text and a skilled graphical designer to create graphics | good help system | the amount of reading and manipulation the user has to do | elements are arranged in straight lines or several columns | user interface design on user's tasks | the commands, fields and icons etc. that are needed because this approach tends to result in systems that do not fit the users' tasks | when something goes wrong, the user interface explains the situation in adequate detail and helps the user to resolve the problem | the most important commands stand out by using large buttons, by being the first item in a menu or by being the leftmost icon in a toolbar | the user too much to look at | response time by testing on the slowest hardware that end-users are likely to encounter | usability principles but not rely solely on them | software development team | the user interface | designer | new user interface controls because users will have to figure them out | fancy and unusual UI designs, and especially the design of new controls, because they will be more sensitive to changes | coding techniques with care | the sequence of activities the user will want to perform to get their job done | similar layouts and graphic designs throughout the application | use case analysis and designs the user interface based on this | responsible for making sure that usability is kept at the forefront of the design process |