nickel 65 | has symbol 65Ni |  |
has nuclear magnetic moment μ = 0.69 nuclear magnetons with diamagnetic correction |  |
has nuclear spin I = 5/2- h/2π |  |
has decay mode β- (2.134 Mev) |  |
has decay mode γ |  |
has half life 2.57 hours |  |
has number of nucleons 65 |  |
has number of neutrons 37 |  |
has atomic mass 64.930086 |  |
is an instance of nickel |  |
nickel | has lethal intake 350 mg kg-1 in rat for nickel acetate |  |
has reserves 70 × 106 tonnes |  |
has main mining area garnierite in Russia, South Africa, USA; pentlandite in Canada, South Africa |  |
has mineral garnierite, millerite, nickeline, pentlandite, nickel-iron meteorites |  |
has neutron scattering length 1.03 × 10-12 cm |  |
has electron affinity 156 kJ mol-1 from Ni to Ni- |  |
has toxic intake 1 - 3 mg kg-1 |  |
has poisson's ratio 0.312 GPa |  |
has bulk modulus 177.3 GPa |  |
has rigidity modulus 76.0 GPa |  |
has young's modulus 199.5 GPa |  |
has mass magnetic susceptibility ferromagnetic |  |
has electrical resistivity 6.84 × 10-8 Ω m at 293 K |  |
has covalent radii 115 pm |  |
has thermal neutron capture cross section 4.49 barns |  |
has longest lived isotope nickel 58 |  |
has isotope mass range 53 to 67 |  |
has number of isotopes 14 including nuclear isomers |  |
has pronunciation nik-el |  |
has name origin kupfernickel = Devil's copper or St Nicholas's copper from German |  |
has discovery location Stockholm, Sweden |  |
has abundance 1.91 × 106 in Sun relative to H = 1 × 1012 |  |
has abundance 80 p.p.m. in Earth's crust |  |
has abundance 1 × 10-4 p.p.m. in Atlantic surface seawater |  |
has abundance 4.0 × 10-4 p.p.m. in deep Atlantic seawater |  |
has abundance 1 × 10-4 p.p.m. in Pacific surface seawater |  |
has abundance 5.7 × 10-4 p.p.m. in deep Pacific seawater |  |
has Curie temperature 633 K |  |
has specimen foil, powder, rod, slugs, spheres and wire. Safe. |  |
has world production 510000 tonnes year-1 |  |
has chief source garnierite, pentlandite |  |
has mass absorption coefficient 45.7 cm2 g-1 for CuKα X-ray diffraction |  |
has mass absorption coefficient 46.6 cm2 g-1 for MoKα X-ray diffraction |  |
has space group Fm3m |  |
has crystal cell dimension a = 352.38 pm |  |
has crystal type f.c.c. |  |
has atomic emission line 232.003 nm for Ni I |  |
has atomic emission line 341.476 nm for Ni I (strong) |  |
has atomic emission line 349.296 nm for Ni I |  |
has atomic emission line 351.505 nm for Ni I |  |
has atomic emission line 352.454 nm for Ni I (strong) |  |
has atomic emission line 361.939 nm for Ni I |  |
has term symbol 3F4 in ground state |  |
has electron configuration [Ar]3d84s2 in ground state |  |
has mass of element in person 15 mg for a 70 kg average person |  |
has daily dietary intake 0.3 - 0.5 mg |  |
has level in humans 0.01 - 0.05 mg dm-3 in blood |  |
has level in humans < 0.7 p.p.m. in bone |  |
has level in humans 0.02 - 1.8 p.p.m. in liver |  |
has level in humans 1 - 2 p.p.m. in muscle |  |
has hazard element and its compounds are poisonous, carcinogenic, and teratogenic |  |
has hazard nickel carbonyl is extremely toxic |  |
has biological role essential to some species, and can act to stimulate metabolism |  |
has linear expansion coefficient 13.3 × 10-6 K-1 |  |
has thermal conductivity 90.7 W m-1 K-1 at 300 K |  |
has molar volume 6.59 cm3 |  |
has heat capacity 26.07 J K-1 mol-1 for solid at constant pressure 0.1 MPa at 298.15 K |  |
has heat capacity 23.359 J K-1 mol-1 for gas at constant pressure 0.1 MPa at 298.15 K |  |
has heat of vaporization 371.8 kJ mol-1 |  |
has heat of fusion 17.6 kJ mol-1 |  |
has boiling point 3005 K |  |
has melting point 1726 K |  |
has electronegativity 1.91 Pauling |  |
has relative atomic mass 58.6934 in units of 12C = 12.000 |  |
has ionic radii 78 pm for Ni2+ |  |
has ionic radii 62 pm for Ni3+ |  |
has atomic radii 125 pm |  |
has number of protons 28 |  |
has registry number 7440-02-0 for Chemical Abstracts System database |  |
has density 8902 kg m-3 for solid at 293 K |  |
has density 7780 kg m-3 for liquid at 1726 K boiling point |  |
has synthesis mechanism |  |
has ocean oxidation state II |  |
has ocean residence time 80000 years |  |
has atomic number 28 |  |
reacts with acids by disolving except for concentrated HNO3 |  |
has discovery date 1751 |  |
has discoverer A.F. Cronstedt |  |
has uses alloys, especially stainless steel, coins, metal plating and catalysts |  |
has image  |  |
recycled oceanic element | has ocean concentration increasing with depth |  |
siderophile element | has occurrence in planet metallic core and associated with iron |  |
column grouped element | has group a column number in the table of the elements |  |
element | is a part of Universe |  |
has synonym atom |  |
particle | obeys uncertainty principle |  |
has frequency inversely proportional to the wavelength |  |
has wavelength inversely proportional to its momentum |  |
has charge |  |
has mass |  |
physical object | has location or center of gravity |  |
has angular momentum |  |
has velocity |  |
has momentum |  |
has temperature |  |
has volume |  |
has extent |  |
has material |  |