phosphorus 31 | has symbol 31P | |
has natural abundance 100% | |
has NMR frequency 40.481 MHz where 1H = 100 MHz; 2.3488 T | |
has magnetogyric ratio 10.8289 × 107 rad T-1 s-1 | |
has NMR receptivity 377 where 13C = 1.00 | |
has relative NMR sensitivity 0.0663 where 1H = 1.00 for 85% H3PO4 | |
has nuclear magnetic moment μ = +1.13160 nuclear magnetons with diamagnetic correction | |
has nuclear spin I = 1/2+ h/2π | |
has number of nucleons 31 | |
has number of neutrons 16 | |
has atomic mass 30.973762 | |
has uses Nuclear Magnetic Resonance | |
is an instance of phosphorus | |
phosphorus | has lethal intake 100 mg for white phosphorus in humans | |
has reserves 5.7 × 109 tonnes | |
has main mining area Russia, USA, Morocco, Tunisia, Togo, Nauru | |
has mineral apatite, phosphophyllite, turquoise, vivianite | |
has neutron scattering length 0.513 × 10-12 cm | |
has electron affinity 44 kJ mol-1 from to - | |
has toxic intake 11 μg kg-1 for white phosphorus in rat | |
has mass magnetic susceptibility -1.1 × 10-8 kg-1 m3 for P4 solid | |
has mass magnetic susceptibility -8.4 × 10-9 kg-1 m3 for red phosphorus solid | |
has electrical resistivity 1 × 109 Ω m for P4 solid at 293 K | |
has van der Waals radii 190 pm | |
has covalent radii 110 pm for single bond | |
has thermal neutron capture cross section 0.172 barns | |
has longest lived isotope phosphorus 31 | |
has isotope mass range 26 to 36 | |
has number of isotopes 10 including nuclear isomers | |
has pronunciation fos-for-us | |
has name origin phosphoros = bringer of light from Greek | |
has discovery location Hamburg, Germany | |
has abundance 3.16 × 105 in Sun relative to H = 1 × 1012 | |
has abundance 1000 p.p.m. in Earth's crust | |
has abundance 0.0015 p.p.m. in Atlantic surface seawater | |
has abundance 0.042 p.p.m. in deep Atlantic seawater | |
has abundance 0.0015 p.p.m. in Pacific surface seawater | |
has abundance 0.084 p.p.m. in deep Pacific seawater | |
has specimen white sticks (Danger!), red lumps or powder (Care!) | |
has world production 153 × 106 tonnes year-1 | |
has chief source apatite, turquoise (ornamental stone) | |
has mass absorption coefficient 74.1 cm2 g-1 for CuKalpha X-ray diffraction | |
has mass absorption coefficient 7.89 cm2 g-1 for MoKalpha X-ray diffraction | |
has space group I-43m for white &alpha-P4 | |
has space group Pm3m or P-43 for red phosphorus | |
has crystal cell dimension a = 1851 pm for white &alpha-P4 | |
has crystal cell dimension a = 1131 pm for red phosphorus | |
has crystal type cubic for white &alpha-P4 | |
has crystal type cubic for red phosphorus | |
has atomic emission line 213.618 nm for P I (used in atom absorption spectrometry) | |
has atomic emission line 952.573 nm for P I (strong) | |
has atomic emission line 956.344 nm for P I (strong) | |
has atomic emission line 979.685 nm for P I | |
has atomic emission line 1648.292 nm for P I | |
has term symbol 4S3/2 in ground state | |
has electron configuration [Ne]3s23p3 in ground state | |
has mass of element in person 780 g for a 70 kg average person | |
has daily dietary intake 900 - 1900 mg | |
has level in humans 345 mg dm-3 in blood | |
has level in humans 67000 - 71000 p.p.m. in bone | |
has level in humans 3 - 8.5 p.p.m. in liver | |
has level in humans 3000 - 8500 p.p.m. in muscle | |
has hazard white phosphorus is much more toxic than red phosphorus | |
has hazard white phosphorus chronic poisoning leads to necrosis of the jaw (phossy-jaw) | |
has biological role constituent of DNA, ATP and many other biochemical molecules. Phosphate cycle. | |
has linear expansion coefficient 124.5 × 10-6 K-1 for P4 solid | |
has thermal conductivity 0.235 W m-1 K-1 for P4 solid at 300 K | |
has thermal conductivity 12.1 W m-1 K-1 for black phosphorus solid at 300 K | |
has molar volume 17.02 cm3 | |
has heat capacity 23.840 J K-1 mol-1 for P4 solid at constant pressure 0.1 MPa at 298.15 K | |
has heat capacity 21.21 J K-1 mol-1 for red phosphorus solid at constant pressure 0.1 MPa at 298.15 K | |
has heat capacity 20.786 J K-1 mol-1 for gas at constant pressure 0.1 MPa at 298.15 K | |
has heat of vaporization 51.9 kJ mol-1 for P4 solid | |
has heat of fusion 2.51 kJ mol-1 for P4 solid | |
has boiling point 553 K for P4 | |
has melting point 317.3 K for P4 solid | |
has melting point 683 K for red phosphorus solid under pressure | |
has electronegativity 2.19 Pauling | |
has relative atomic mass 30.973762 in units of 12C = 12.000 | |
has ionic radii 212 pm for P3- | |
has atomic radii 93 pm for white form | |
has atomic radii 115 pm for red form | |
has number of protons 15 | |
has registry number 7723-14-0 for Chemical Abstracts System database | |
has density 1820 kg m-3 for P4 solid at 293 K | |
has density 2200 kg m-3 for red phosphorus solid at 293 K | |
has density 2690 kg m-3 for black phosphorus solid at 293 K | |
has ocean oxidation state V | |
has ocean residence time 100000 years | |
has atomic number 15 | |
reacts with air by bursting into flames (white phosphorus) | |
reacts with alkalis to form phosphine gas | |
has discovery date 1669 | |
has discoverer Hennig Brandt | |
has image | |
has critical temperature 994 K | |
recycled oceanic element | has ocean concentration increasing with depth | |
siderophile element | has occurrence in planet metallic core and associated with iron | |
group V element | has group 15 | |
has synonym pnictogen | |
element | is a part of Universe | |
particle | obeys uncertainty principle | |
has frequency inversely proportional to the wavelength | |
has wavelength inversely proportional to its momentum | |
has charge | |
has mass | |
physical object | has location or center of gravity | |
has angular momentum | |
has velocity | |
has momentum | |
has temperature | |
has volume | |
has extent | |
has material | |