Subject |
store |
is a subtopic of |
see also |
have form |
extend |
have advantage |
provide |
has part |
place in |
inherit |
contain |
have purpose |
is a synonym of |
name using |
display |
implement |
attach to |
lack |
order |
is a kind of |
use |
perform |
have |
has definition |
have high cohesion |
be |
abstract class | | The Basics of Java | class^2 | | | | | abstract method | | | data associated with each object | to hold features that will be inherited by two or more subclasses | | | | | | | | class | | | instances | A class that cannot have any instances | | the unit of data abstraction in an object-oriented program |
aggregate | | 5.6 - More Advanced Features of Class Diagrams | class^2 | | | | | variables | | | data associated with each object | | assembly | | | | | | | class | | | a comment at the top describing the purpose of the class, how it should be used, its authors and its history of modification | The class on the 'whole' side of an aggregation | | the unit of data abstraction in an object-oriented program |
association class | | 5.3 - Associations and Multiplicity | class^2 | | | | | variables | | | data associated with each object | | | a noun that reflects the meaning of the association | | | an association | | | class | | | a comment at the top describing the purpose of the class, how it should be used, its authors and its history of modification | A class whose instances are associated with links of a (usually many-to-many) association | | the unit of data abstraction in an object-oriented program |
base class | | 2.5 - Organizing Classes Into Inheritance Hierarchies | class^2 | | | | | variables | | | data associated with each object | | superclass | | | | | | | class | | | a comment at the top describing the purpose of the class, how it should be used, its authors and its history of modification | | | the name for superclass in C++ |
concrete class | | 2.6 - The Effect of Inheritance Hierarchies on Polymorphism and Variable Declarations | class^2 | | | | | variables | | | data associated with each object | | | | | | | | | class | | | a comment at the top describing the purpose of the class, how it should be used, its authors and its history of modification | A class that can have instances | | the unit of data abstraction in an object-oriented program |
controller | | 9.5 - Architectural Patterns | class^2 | | | | | variables | | | the objects that control and handle the user's interaction with the view and the model | | | | | | | | | class | | | a comment at the top describing the purpose of the class, how it should be used, its authors and its history of modification | In the MVC architectural pattern, the class or classes used to control and handle the user's interaction with the view and the model | | the unit of data abstraction in an object-oriented program |
derived class | | 2.5 - Organizing Classes Into Inheritance Hierarchies | class^2 | | | | | variables | | | data associated with each object | | subclass | | | | | | | class | | | a comment at the top describing the purpose of the class, how it should be used, its authors and its history of modification | | | the name for subclass in C++ |
heavyweight class | | 6.12 - The Proxy Pattern | class^2 | | | | | variables | | | data associated with each object | | | | | | | | | class | | | a comment at the top describing the purpose of the class, how it should be used, its authors and its history of modification | A class which is time-consuming and complicated to create instances of | | the unit of data abstraction in an object-oriented program |
Java class | in a file of the same name | The Basics of Java | class^2 | class classname { // declarations of variables // declarations of constructors (discussed below) // declarations of other methods with public ones first } | only one superclass | | | variables | its own source file | | data associated with each object | | | | | particular low-level subsystems | | side effects if it does not modify any data, and does not leave behind any information, other than its result, that would have an effect on other computations | elements as follows: - class variables
- instance variables
- constructors
- the most important public methods
- methods that are simply used to access variables
- private methods
| Java module | an implements clause to declare that it contains methods for each of the operations specified by the interface | a special-purpose function such as the user interface for a particular system | a unique name since somebody in the future might want to import the packages containing both classes and hence create a name clash | | if related aspects of a system are kept together in this module, and unrelated aspects are kept out | abstract if it has one or more abstract methods |
role^2 | | 6.4 - The Player-Role Pattern | class^2 | | | | | variables | | | data associated with each object | | | | | | | | | class | | | a comment at the top describing the purpose of the class, how it should be used, its authors and its history of modification | A class in the player-role pattern whose instances can be attached to player objects | | the unit of data abstraction in an object-oriented program |
singleton^2 | | 6.5 - The Singleton Pattern | class^2 | | | | | variables | | | data associated with each object | | | | | | | | | class | | | a comment at the top describing the purpose of the class, how it should be used, its authors and its history of modification | A class for which only one instance should exist | | the unit of data abstraction in an object-oriented program |
subclass | | 2.5 - Organizing Classes Into Inheritance Hierarchies | class^2 | | | | | variables | | all instance variables and methods defined in its ancestor classes | data associated with each object | | derived class | | | | | | | class | | | a comment at the top describing the purpose of the class, how it should be used, its authors and its history of modification | A class that is an extension of another class, and hence inherits from the other class | | the unit of data abstraction in an object-oriented program |
superclass | | 2.5 - Organizing Classes Into Inheritance Hierarchies | class^2 | | | | | variables | | | data associated with each object | | base class | | | | | | | class | | | a comment at the top describing the purpose of the class, how it should be used, its authors and its history of modification | A class of which another class is an extension, and hence defines properties that are inherited by the other class | | the unit of data abstraction in an object-oriented program |
utility | | 9.2 - Principles Leading to Good Design | utility^2 | | | when using a certain procedure, a programmer does not need to worry about all the details of how it performs its computations; he or she only needs to know how to call it and what it computes | procedural abstraction | variables | | | data associated with each object | | | | | | | | | method | | | a comment at the top describing the purpose of the class, how it should be used, its authors and its history of modification | A method or class that has wide applicability to many different subsystems and is designed to be reusable | | the unit of data abstraction in an object-oriented program |
view | | 9.5 - Architectural Patterns | class^2 | | | | | variables | | | objects used to render the appearance of the data from the model in the user interface | | | | the various controls with which the user can interact | | | | | class | | | a comment at the top describing the purpose of the class, how it should be used, its authors and its history of modification | In the MVC architecture, the class or classes used to render the appearance of the data from the model in the user interface | | the unit of data abstraction in an object-oriented program |