Subject |
improve |
have characteristics |
involve in |
be familiar with |
welcome |
is a synonym of |
take |
negotiate |
use |
feel that |
act as |
fear |
learn |
initiate |
expect |
plan |
reuse |
work for |
ensure that |
estimate |
ensure |
base |
realize |
work with |
fire |
develop |
set up |
notice |
hire |
perform |
concern with |
make decisions about |
help |
underestimate |
realize that |
document |
is part of |
affect by |
has definition |
emphasize |
allow |
feel |
make sure that |
refuse |
fail to |
be |
have goal |
is a subtopic of |
want |
listen to |
monitor |
like |
maintain |
judge |
determine |
give |
ask |
inform |
avoid |
understand |
tell |
follow |
identify |
frustrate |
reward |
work on |
fear that |
omit |
take into account |
reward for |
run |
judge on |
helps |
select |
make |
direct |
give feedback on |
have activities |
demand |
encourage |
have |
find |
customer | | | requirements analysis, user interface design and deployment, and also may play a role in design, quality assurance and project management | | | client | | | | | | | | | software to be of high quality and to be produced rapidly | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | reliability | ordering and paying for the software | | | | | | | A person who make decisions about ordering and paying for software (in contrast to user); customers are those who have the problem that is being solved by the development of software | | | | | | | a user of software | either to increase profits or to run their business more effectively | 1.4 - Stakeholders in Software Engineering | software that solves problems at an acceptable cost in terms of money paid and resources used | | | software that helps their organization save or make money, typically by making the users and the organization as a whole more productive | | | | | | | | the architecture so they can be confident the software is being designed well and can monitor development progress | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | to feel involved in the software engineering process resulting in fewer mistakes being made and greater acceptance of the finished product | | | | new and updated software | | | |
project manager | cost estimation skills so as to account for the kinds of problems that may occur | | | small details of the project | | development manager | the ultimate legal responsibility for declaring that proper engineering practice has been followed, and that the manager believes the resulting system will be safe | contracts | cost-benefit analysis to choose among alternatives | | a mentor | | how to run effective meetings | the paperwork involved in hiring or subcontracting | | work schedule | | | people have the requisite security clearance | the cost of the system which involves studying the requirements and determining how much effort they will take to design and implement | that everybody's proposed responsibility is clearly expressed | cost estimate on | that developing reusable components will normally simplify the resulting design, independently of whether reuse actually occurs | customers to determine their problem and the scope of the project | people who are not performing adequately | a close relationship with other members of the team so that he or she is more keenly aware at all times about the progress achieved, and the potential risks | training courses | | employees | project management | | | people solve problems by leading discussions | | the vicious circle of software reuse exists and costs money - in order to save money in the longer term, an investment in reusable code is justified | | software development team | | The person responsible for performing project management tasks | | time to re-engineer part or all of the system periodically | | project information is readily available for browsing, e.g. using an Intranet web site | | | realistic in initial requirements gathering | to please the customer or sell the most software, while spending the least money | 11.1 - What is Project Management? | software that sells more and pleases customers while costing less to develop and maintain | everybody's opinion | communication between team members | | | | how the plans need to change, and takes action to keep the project on track | people feedback to help them improve their work | | | | requirements better if they are expressed in terms of use cases | customers and higher-level managers what they need or want to know | an iterative approach | | | software developer for developing reusable components | | | | a realistic assessment of the resources available when determining the requirements and the project plan | | the organization that is developing the software | when they deliver product, not on its quality level | employees resolve inter-personal conflicts | the overall processes that will be followed | high-level decisions about requirements and design | subordinates and contractors | | - Deciding what needs to be done
- Estimating costs
- Ensuring there are suitable people to undertake the project
- Defining responsibilities
- Scheduling
- Making arrangements for the work
- Directing
- Being a technical leader
- Reviewing and approving decisions made by others
- Building morale and supporting staff
- Monitoring and controlling
- Co-ordinating the work with managers of other projects
- Reporting
- Continually striving to improve the process
| | all necessary communication between team members | education in business administration | office space |
software developer | | | | | | | | | a design pattern without understanding in depth the forces that need to be balanced, and if another pattern would better balance the forces | | | | | | | | technology that others are also reusing | several months on a testing team; this will heighten her awareness of quality problems she should avoid when she returns to designing software | the set of use cases is complete and that they are expressed consistently and unambiguously | | | | that developing reusable components will normally simplify the resulting design, independently of whether reuse actually occurs | | | new libraries, APIs and frameworks because- developing anything reusable is seen as not directly benefiting the current customer
- If a developer has painstakingly developed a high-quality reusable component, but management only rewards the efforts of people who create the more visible 'final product', then that developer will be reluctant to spend time on reusable components in the future
- Efforts at creating reusable software are often done in a hurry and without enough attention to quality. People thus lose confidence in the resulting components, and in the concepts of reuse and reusability
| | | | cost estimation | | | | software development time because it is very hard for people to assess the quality of software or to appreciate the amount of work involved in its development | | a design only after it is complete | software development team | | A person involved in the development of software | the use case or use cases which are central to the system, which represent a high risk because of problematic implementation, or which have high political or commercial value | | | | to reuse components in which they lack confidence | adequately involve users in the development process | | rewarding career, recognition, or the challenge of solving difficult problems or by being a well-respected 'guru' in a certain area of expertise | 1.4 - Stakeholders in Software Engineering | software that is easy to design and maintain and which has parts that are easy to reuse | | | | software | | | | several evaluators to independently perform heuristic evaluations | the project manager about any problems | the use of obscure features of technology because later versions of the technology might be changed in ways that are incompatible with how you have used it or the producer of the technology might go out of business or withdraw it from the market | the customer's business environment, their problems and the available technology which can be used to solve the problems | | | all the use cases associated with the software product | | | custom software | | design documentation | | developing reusable components | | when they deliver product, not on its quality level | | | | | | | | | significantly less knowledge about modelling than about design and programming | |
user | | that vary from one user to another including: - goals for using the system, depending on job function or roles
- potential patterns of use such as how often the system is used
- demographics such as age
- knowledge of the domain and of computers
- physical ability
- psychological traits and emotional feelings
| requirements analysis, user interface design and deployment, and also may play a role in design, quality assurance and project management | | new or improved software | | | | | the computer is in control of her time if response time is adequate | | bad consequences of what he does if he can undo any action | an application quickly if it is similar to an application they already know | | to participate in detailed low-level internal design decisions | | | customer | | | | | | | | | | a single small spot of red or orange on an entire screen | | | reliability | | | | | | | information overload | A person who uses software (in contrast to customer) | | | in control of the computer, not the other way around | | | | | doing enjoyable or interesting work, and gaining recognition for the work they have done | 1.4 - Stakeholders in Software Engineering | software that is easy to learn, efficient to use, and which helps get work done | | | a system or they will not use it, even if it has high learnability and efficiency of use | | utility^2 and usability differently from another user depending on her level of computer experience and the tasks she is performing | | | | | | everything that appears on the screen | | | | when they seek help | | | new software could jeopardize their job | | | | | | | | to feel involved in the software engineering process resulting in fewer mistakes being made and greater acceptance of the finished product | | prototypes, on-line help and draft user manuals | | | | a perception of acceptable response time based on the other applications she uses | |